A balanced approach in dealing with dark forces as you walk the higher path.

When you are contemplating in walking the higher path, one of the things you will expect is that there are dark forces from the emotional, mental and etheric realms who will, in all their might, try to discourage or stop you from walking the path or at least make you realize your divine path.  Now, there are several methods dark forces will employ to discourage you from walking the path and Kim Michaels had created a fantastic guide of everything you need to know about evil which I won’t need to repeat here — https://explainingevil.com/removing-evil/.

In short, what Kim had outlined was absolutely true to what I had experienced and of course, I had to go through the experiential phase by, through intuitive inner calling, being in places with low vibrational energies which harbour fallen beings from the 3 realms.  Through these experiences, I can say with certainty that you will get to practice your Christ Discernment, and you will have the privilege to experience a variety of their vibrations, their cunningness, their deception, their manipulation through sensory psychic projection or physical sensual stimulation of your organs if these are the things you are called from within.  

To give you an analogy of this is like you have a Lonely Planet guide book of Thailand and while you may read the highlights of the place and the lowlights of the place, you will only have a conceptual knowledge of that place.  You may know all the great things to see, and you may also know what are the pitfalls and the dangers that may lurk ahead.  But all these conceptual knowledge can not replace real true experience being there in Thailand in person, in the physical where you may experience everything what the Lonely Planet book said you may.  So remember this; just because you are aware of fallen beings and the dark forces does not make you have the experience of being with them.

What we need to understand is that, God gave us “FREE WILL” and free will reigns supreme.  Fortunately, when we begin walking the path of Christhood and as we begin to master the material universe and gain more of the mastery as we raise our level of consciousness, we can have an effective authority to call on the masters to remove certain fallen beings from interfering from our divine work of the highest potential that we are meant to achieve.  And also, we will develop a certain level of compassion and forgiveness when the fallen beings had done harm to us, because we know that those beings will receive the “Judgement of Christ” and the return karma that they will receive will be multiplied many many times over in respect of your ability to multiple many of your talents!!  This is where there’s a saying that “God will repay”, but of course with a much bigger payment based on your level of consciousness.

Maybe I’ll give you 2 examples out of my experiences to illustrate what I’m saying above.

1, When I started working in health care more than a year ago, I knew that I will be dealing with a number of fallen beings and I had prepared myself with Archangel Michael, Estrea and St. Germain decrees and recite them every morning and evening and while they helped me protect against all the influences from the fallen beings, these decrees did not prevent the fallen beings from taking possession and control over the mental dementia patients and then took physical actions to hurt me.  And they did everything to shame me, bully me and put me down.  I remembered asking Archangel Michael to stop these actions and while they had some effect, it didn’t completely stop those physical actions.  These mental patients had given up their free will and the fallen beings were simply exercising their free will by taking over their physical bodies to hurt me and discourage me from walking the path.  Thankfully, I was willing to look at the situations I’m in as a learning opportunity and took it upon myself to ask the masters for help on those lessons I’m stuck with.  And then just this year, my usual client who I had taken care for more than a year had a recent fall and was in bad shape.  She was in severe pain and while I was taking care of her, cleaning her up and for some reason (she has always been very sweet and helpful) attacked me and cursing me with some strange language.  I was frightened as I didn’t expect this.  But somehow, my instinct kicked in.  I tuned in to Archangel Michael and then with a loud voice ask A.M to command the demons in her body to stop the physical actions that had the potential to hurt me.  I saw a quick blue flashing light and it wasn’t for a few seconds later and then she was completely fine.  Back to her normal self.  In the past, I was not at all successful in doing this which was why I was frightened.  I said to myself — not again not now..  I learned later on that there is a rule and that is.

You have, as a spiritual being, the authority to ask the masters to remove the fallen being when your level of consciousness rose ABOVE the conscious level of the fallen being that last fell from. 

2, Even when I am growing up, people around me felt that I am Mr. Bad Luck.  Everything they do harm on to me, something bad happens to them in return.  In the past, I didn’t quite understand why this is, until I came across the masters teachings and then I realized as you raise your level of consciousness and you are able to multiple your talents, your creative will to create with the light that flows from above, you also become a very well polished cosmic mirror.  For any harm that is done to is reflected back, depending on how well you multiply your talents, in multiples equal of your talents back to those that harm you, either physically, psychically and other means.  Now, you may not see the action of “God will repay” immediately.  It might be in this lifetime or most likely, it will be repaid many times more in the next lifetime.

I had witnessed in several cases that when people do harm on to me; usually the repayment is usually pretty swift and multiplied.  So much so that most of the time, they don’t bother me again.

Just earlier this year, my sister phoned me that my car was broken into through the side window.  Damage was about $600 with my insurance paying most of it, but rather than being angry, my sister was a little shocked to see that while I was upset, I wasn’t really angry as she expected me to be.  In fact, she was a little perplexed to see me ask God for forgiveness on the people who broke my car window glass that I ask “My lord, forgive them for they do not know what they had done!” were instinctively coming from my mouth as I know that the person who did this will receive the same judgement, but with more multiplied intensity.

In closing, always try a balanced approach when dealing with dark forces as you walk your own path and focus on raising your consciousness.  The universe and God will do the rest. 


  1. Hi. How do older patiences lose their grip on free will and how can we avoid it?

    1. We come back into a physical body, on our own free will, because we all want to work on certain aspect of our limiting beliefs that we had not transcended over many past lifetimes and we will now have to on this lifetime . This work will involve the individual to make certain free will choices to transcend their unresolved psychologies, to move forward and to grow. Nevertheless, certain individuals had decided that, in this lifetime, they either want to work on their own psychologies through dementia because then it gives them the opportunity to let go of those limiting beliefs through short term memory loss or the limiting beliefs had manifested into the illness where they are now forced to experience it feels like living in such limiting existence with some memory loss. Either way, you will experience some growth. Having said that, it is not a matter of how can you avoid certain illness. As with the previous dispensations in regards to the 4 lower bodies, any illness begins with a limiting belief that we had created and resides in the Identity body. And then that energy then filters down into the Mental body where we get the chance to consciously see that limiting belief and resolve it. If we are not willing to see and resolve it in your mental body, then it filters down into the emotional body where again we get to feel the limitation of that limiting belief. Only until you ignore the signs of these limiting beliefs in your identity, mental and emotional bodies where you will have to experience the limiting beliefs in your physical body in a form of illness, be it cancer, diabetes, stroke and dementia. So it is not correct that these patients had lost their grip on free will. They were given many chances to have their limiting beliefs resolved if they would make a choice to transcend those limiting beliefs. By spiritual law, you can not avoid not experiencing your limiting beliefs, so you really can't avoid the consequences of what you hold in your limiting beliefs. You can only avoid it by making a better choice that transcend those limited beliefs. And sometimes, that choice in the subconscious level means to realize a certain illness, be disturbed and manipulated by dark forces and experience these traumatic events as we do in the school of hard knocks in order to shake ourselves out of those limiting beliefs. By doing so, these lifestreams can re-incarnate in the next life without incurring any of these illnesses and thus be able to progress to the next stages in their consciousness. So in a way, we all make choices to grow and some may have chosen a choice to grow the hard difficult and unpleasant way. Always have compassion for these lifestreams as perhaps the only way for them to grow after many lifetimes of stagnation is through the school of hard knocks.

    2. In this life I was not stagnant at all, not in any way. I have been going up and down, up and down like a rollercoaster. So if you think it was me, in this life or in any previous lifetimes, I think it is very unlike me.

      Thank you for your replies, David.

    3. Spiritual growth has both a vertical component and a horizontal component as well as the Alpha and Omega aspect.

  2. How is it that i am moving from the one extreme of dimentia and not controlling my thoughts to the other extreme where i am expressing my christhood and flows? The contrast between those two states is uncomprehensible.

    1. You should examine why you have these tendencies and look for clues as to why you are triggered by them.

    2. Is it avoidable? I guess what is the button line of what I am trying to ask is: Is there something we can do, or need to do, to avoid this? Because obviously, it isn't an ideal state to live unaware and not conscious. Thank you.

    3. Earth is a spiritual school for all of us who still have certain unresolved psychologies. Sometimes our own "ego" and our own spiritual pride motivates us to experience physical consequences of those unresolved psychologies. Can dementia be avoided?

      Maybe it can. Nevertheless, I like to think of dementia as being an effective efficient teaching tool. Regardless of how difficult the consequences and effects one has to endure through the eyes of a dementia patient or through the eyes of a loved one, any physical ailments we get are meant to teach us to see certain aspects of our limiting beliefs by simply experiencing the limited beliefs you had held for lifetime after lifetime in real life.

      In medical science, there are certain ways to reduce the risk factors of one getting dementia. And yet, there are no zero risk factors. Even the latest dementia research which outlined a special treatment to reverse the effects of dementia rely on the fact that the person needs to continue taking a certain medication and employing certain lifestyle changes to alter its outcome. Again, this is the same as taking medication to mask the symptoms of the ailment, but does not address the root of its causes.

    4. There are new medical science research that are pointing towards diabetes in the brain (insulin resistance in the brain) that is a possible cause of inflammation in the brain cells that can cause dementia. Some researchers call this "Type 3" diabetes. Currently, we have only 2 diabetes classification; Type 1 and Type 2. While Type 3 diabetes is not an official classification yet, some researchers are treating dementia patients with anti-diabetes "Metformin". Doctors may also prescribe Cholinesterase inhibitors like Donepezil, Razadyne and Exelon to improve the way the cells communicate. Nevertheless, these medications only help to either slow down the symptoms and not reverse nor is a cure for dementia. The root of these cause are spiritual in nature. It is best that if you know of someone who is suffering from dementia is to consult with a specialist and use the opportunity in conjunction with any medication prescribed to give the individual a spiritual reprieve so that individual can work on their own psychologies by invoking decrees and prayers and ask the masters for spiritual assistance.

  3. Is it because people wish to die, have a death wish, that dimentia creeps in? If the soul wish to escape this life (because of a very hard life) because it thinks it will find peace after it moves on, then this continude thought about the afterlife and the wish to be there may cause dimentia, since the soul is not there, or beginning to be lifted from the body. Also, is it the soul or the ego that wants to escape?
    What do you think about it, dear David?

    1. Mother Mary gave a dispensation in regards to people with dementia in the last Korean Conference in 2016. Basically, it boils down to these people unwilling to make choices to transcend their limiting beliefs, but it is not yet their time to leave the body. I don't think you can escape transcending your limited beliefs forever and eventually, you will have to resolve these beliefs in a form of illness like dementia where you can not really escape your responsibility for spiritual growth. What I had seen thus far working with dementia patients is that, they are forced to face growth as the opportunity for that growth presents to them on a daily basis.

      When you are conscious and healthy, you can always make a choice to defer that growth by running away or pushing away opportunities that growth provides (Fight or Flight response). You can see these individuals who would always blame the beam in someone's eye rather than realizing that those people are here to expose the beam in your own eye. To help you see what limiting beliefs you still hold. As long as you are willing to look at the beam in your own eye, you have the potential to grow and avoid the consequences of physical illness from developing.

      I think dementia is the last resort for many of my clients who had cleverly evaded learning and transcending their life lessons and are now faced with these lessons so you are forced to grow but not yet at the stage where they are ready to leave their body.

      I had also noticed that many of my clients that had these illness are still stuck with the Piscean age mentality. So to achieve even the lowest potential of any divine plan for this lifetime, you must at least transcend completely the Piscean age mentality so you can re-incarnate on this planet again under the Aquarian age of St Germain. So in a way, the Conscious You wants to make the most progress in spiritual growth and may have chosen Dementia as an efficient means of spiritual growth. While some spiritual beings may experience some growth that will help lead them to their highest potential. Guru Ma, for instance, developed Alzheimer's disease to help work on her Buddhahood. So even a person with the highest attainment does not mean you can escape dementia. Sometimes like you said, they can find peace by working on their Buddhahood while having dementia. In fact, I have one client now who is working on her Buddhahood, while achieving peace during their transition into another life.

      So to me, dementia is not really an escape, but rather an efficient means of spiritual growth because you are presented without much of any filters of what you see and perceive in your life, hence allowing you to achieve some growth.

    2. You said people with dimentia are forced to face growth. This is beyond my comprehension, what oppurtunity to grow dimentia offers, and how. I'd love to have some explanation.

    3. Guru Ma also said that she could escape alzheimer, had she done different choices prior to it.

    4. Yes, Guru Ma can indeed avoid dementia, and yet part of the ascension process is to achieve a certain level of Buddhahood, which you will begin walking when you attain a high level of Christhood. Guru Ma wanted to achieve a certain level of Buddhahood before she ascends, so dementia helped her then with that process.

      Dementia basically strips you of your personal independence, your material identity you had build up in this material world, your lack of ability to control the outcome of any event and exposes your vulnerabilities and eventually when the disease advances can revert you to a mind of a child. The majority of people who suffered from dementia related illnesses come from those who had refused to look at their limiting beliefs from many lifetimes and so dementia took their ability to being independent by taking away their own control of their body and their lives and place themselves in the care of others. In a way, many of these people had allowed others to make difficult choices they were not willing to make for themselves, thinking that they will be safe from making mistakes. Nevertheless, they are now experiencing what it feels like by living in a situation where others are making daily life choices for them, be it their family members, hired care-givers or nurses or care homes. By living through these experiences of someone else taking control of your life, your choices and your independence then, you will have had enough of these experiences in the hopes that in their next life time, they will make a concerted effort in making difficult choices for themselves to help them tackle through difficult life challenges or even transcending an older mentality. So this is a really complex topic as they are infinite number of scenarios. What I had outlined is a general scenario of what I mostly observed.

    5. How can a man with dimentia work on himself while being possessed by dark forces?

    6. This is similar to a couple who are embroiled in a toxic relationship, where ownership of another person is the main theme of the relationship. The majority of human relationships are focused mainly on owning another individual or using another individual until that individual becomes a liability. Either way, it is based on ownership. Of course, the masters do not need to own relationships as we do not own our brothers and sisters. We work together in mutual co-operation and harmony by helping each other grow. Nevertheless, the human master and slave relationship is a very powerful theme among certain individuals who believe in ownership upon other human beings.
      The relationship between a dementia patient possessed by dark forces has similarity with ownership. In a way, those dementia patients who gave away their free will choices are then allowed to be owned by dark forces and do what pleases them. Earth is a school where you learn your lessons through living experiences. It is the hope that these individuals, while under the ownership of the demons and dark forces will experience what it feels like to be owned by someone else. Perhaps, they were the ones that had ownership among other human beings, be it in human relationships, in work related ventures where they would always assume the master role. To then now experience being in the slave role living in dementia by the fallen beings controlling them, playing them like puppets. Sometimes, certain people would learn better through physical experiences being a slave under the control of dark forces for that may be how they would learn the experiences of what happened when they were the masters controlling and having ownership on other spiritual beings when they were conscious.

  4. Well, I don't care getting dimentia as a result of raising my consciousness.


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