Achieving FREEDOM by walking the path defined by your I AM.

2019 is the year of the initiation of the 7th ray and part of the theme of this initiation is achieving personal spiritual freedom.  But before I delve myself into what is FREEDOM, I like to share what my experiences and observations and my personal thoughts thus far on this topic.

A lot of had been said about one’s divine plan and a lot had been discussed about how to obtain your divine plan.  A lot of what you see in the general public and in the New Age movement is having to rely on people (most likely psychics, some messengers, mediums etc.) in giving you some sort of plan or direction or sometimes relying on the inner voices that you should seek to walk this path or that path.

But what if I tell you that the path that you are walking thus far may not allow you to achieve the inner FREEDOM that you are seeking, the feeling of no feeling that there is no burden in your heart to achieve some sort of resolute goal or some finite solution?  What if all you are seeking in the path is an illusion of success that you will ascend after this lifetime after years of walking and sacrificing yourself for a particular cause or causes?

Undoubtedly I am not saying that most of you are walking a blind path.  I certainly had my fair share of walking a blind or multiple blind paths myself, but I like to share my experiences in how to identify the path that you are walking is a path envisioned by your separate selves and the fallen beings or the path you are inspired to walk is to follow the flow of the river of life, provided in bits through progressive revelation to help unlock your unresolved psychologies that stops or limits your ability in achieving oneness with the source and to allow the holy spirit to flow through you and help you make divine choices to let go of all the attachments you have on Earth and to facilitate towards your spiritual ascension?  Sounds complicated?

While it may sound complicated at first, it is really not.  First of all, we are all spiritual beings that had come to embody on this planet and to provide an example for its inhabitants in how one can achieve a higher level of consciousness and to let go of the attachments to achieve spiritual freedom where we can exercise our divine right to be co-creators of this Earth; to allow our bodies to serve as the conduit of god’s light and bring about the kingdom of God on this Earth.  And yet after the fall, a large number of spiritual beings who had since re-embodied on this planet had forgotten their origin and had succumbed to identifying themselves as human beings; as a solid densified limited being with a limited lifespan unknowingly that their lifespan is infinite and that their existence on Earth is temporary.  So what do these lifestreams think when they are on Earth.  They believe they are limited beings and their miseries can not be changed and their circumstances can not be improved beyond what they understood within the physical limitations of material science and the material conditions that Earth provides.  There are certain physical laws that we, as human beings, believe we need to abide by and can not be simply broken.  And so therefore, most of us live a life in bondage; becoming slaves to the power elite because we simply believe this is what we should do.  In the meantime, some of us believe that we are all seeking some clarification somewhere to see how our lives should proceed or what should we expect our lives would be moving forward.  In a way, we are seeking some clarity, some guidance and direction in how should we improve our own lives from the current one we are living in.  So it is quite normal that we tend to seek answers beyond the normal channels and into the spiritual.  I did just that during the initial years of my awakening.  

But to be honest first.  I have been blessed by my firm connection to my I AM since childhood.  I knew what I had to do and had some sort of frame work laid out for me in how I could achieve those visions I had while walking the path.  This inner connection had proven very useful and I am blessed to had followed the initial path thus far that allowed me to walk this new current path.  Having said that and even with the help of my I AM, I still seek the guidance from psychics, medium and a messenger from time to time.  I think at the time, I wasn’t willing to let go of certain attachments regarding spiritual freedom.  I still want to have some control of my path, some control of how people have to behave towards me or under me and some control of the outcome of the path that I am walking.  All of this has to do with a certainty of the outcome, because knowing a certain outcome gives you a sense of security and safety and knowing.  At the time though, I didn’t know that those outcome expectations came actually from my separate selves and not from my I AM as my I AM expects nothing from me other than experiencing what I experience authentically when I flow with the river of life.  I realized later that and had been asking this question — why would my I AM need some security and safety with any experiential outcome from any experience I went through?!?  My I AM is not affected by what I experienced here and can not be destroyed by anything on Earth.  So why would I need to control certain outcomes from walking the path?  Then I realized — only the separate selves IN ME have the agenda to keep themselves alive or keeping myself from experiencing the traumas that I had experienced in the past, thus having the same effect in keeping my created separate selves alive and well.  And as long as I am making a decision not to let go of these separate selves by walking a path where it provides safety, certainty and security that path provides so the separate selves can keep surviving; keep receiving my attention and light, I am very highly unlikely to walk a divine path whereby it gives me a new lease on life and the certainty of death of my separate selves.

Some of you had probably heard a phrase that growth is not always comfortable.  This discomfort stems from the unknown.  Your separate selves only know what you know so far up until now.  Your separate selves form illusions based on your current spiritual understanding and current level of consciousness.  Your separate selves are very good at projecting to you of your spiritual progress by throwing you into blind alleys while giving you the comfort and security that you are achieving spiritual growth, when in fact you can be at a spiritual standstill for lifetimes.  But the key to the game your separate selves are playing on you is to give you a sense of challenge, but a physical reward of stature, comfort, security and material affluences that anything you are doing is of the good, the just and the betterment of the planet.  However, what I am trying to say is that, this is exactly the illusion the separate selves can project on you giving you the illusion that what you are doing is good and will win you your ascension.  But truly, you are not, because you are really NOT FREE of what you are meant to do on this planet.  Your original divine plan is what sets you FREE to do whatever you are FREE to co-create and which then allows you to flow with the river of life.  The river of life is not dictated or controlled by your human ego.  The river of life is not dictated or controlled by your separate selves.  The river of life flows FREELY, allowing you to flow along with it to achieve spiritual freedom by co-creating and experiencing authentically this co-creative process and the results to be.  There is no physical rainbow at the end of your journey, except to help let go of all your attachments, brings inner deeper peace to your heart and ultimately win your ascension.  
You can not experience the river of life fully unless you let go of that control and this is precisely what the separate selves had attempted to keep you from walking your original divine plan.  The elite and the elitist attitude comes from a sense of needing control and asserting that control.  

What gives your separate selves the power to dictate your lives and destiny?  It is your spiritual pride; your pride that you had achieved a high level of attainment and that you can not do any wrong.  It’s like the emperor who is not wearing any clothes, while he thinks he’s wearing one even a little child can see through that illusion while others don’t.  It is this lack of transparency, the lack of willingness to let go of this pride that holds all the skeletons in your closet so no one else could see them.  Do you think that god and the ascended masters couldn’t see through your own dark closet full of skeletons?  Of course they can, but they honour your free will in hiding them.  As long as you hide your skeletons and keep them in the dark, you are allowing your separate selves to roam free for they are wearing your skeletons; each and everyone of them are pulling your strings, dictating the path you should go so they will be safe and thus you feel safe and content and satisfied you are doing everything right; attending church, escaping to a retreat, attending ascended masters conferences and doing all the decrees so to give you the illusion that you are a good Christian, a good ascended masters student and you are just counting the days that when it’s time for you to go, you will surely ascend because you thought you had achieved your highest divine potential.  Now, I’m not saying that doing all those things aren’t useful nor productive.  They can be part of your life, but surely have you considered that you can become MORE than what you are doing now rather than your current benign existence?

To win your spiritual freedom, you must ask yourself this question.  Why am I not free from the bondage of my separate selves?  Why am I not free from doing the work I was set out to do where my heart feels free and my body becomes the light conduit for god?  Do I want to embrace life and freedom or would I continue to embrace the good safe life I live now with material affluence, stature and safety in exchange for spiritual freedom?

So does living a spiritual life with freedom to co-create means a life different than what I am living in now?  Not necessarily.  What I noticed from my own personal life is that, with spiritual freedom, I still live a life that provides me with a certain level of material abundance to help me achieve spiritual growth and service to all life.  The joy and contentment of living on this planet and what this planet has to offer for me rather than struggling through the daily grind of how life should be like living on this planet.  When I flow with the river of life, my life is then truly free because the experiences it offers is free from physical bondage, free from any restrictions imposed by my separate selves and free from the falling beings, because even the fallen beings will not know how to interfere when my life flows with the river and therefore pose little opposition towards my co-creative goals to multiply what I bring, because they can not predict with certainty the outcome of my life.  

Is it easy to flow with the river of life?  The honest answer is no, even though that flow is effortless.  Why do I say this?  Well, I’m still apprehensive about the path of the unknown since I am given bits of vision to progress with my path and I am also still afraid of the unknown, but as I follow these bits of vision I receive from above, I learned to flow with the punches because the experiences I am getting from flowing with the river of life is simply awe-inspiring.  Why is it awe-inspiring?  It’s because, it has given me a new angle frame of mind, a new experience which I later admitted to be foolishly ignored if I were to let my separate selves dictate my path.  So many new experiences I had thus far would not have been a reality if I didn’t follow my I AM and embrace the faith that everything will be alright.  And along the way after those experiences had been experienced by me; I would then naturally let go of those separate selves because I didn’t need them anymore because these experiences had proven that I am always SAFE irregardless of what my human ego/separate selves led me to believe prior to experiencing them.  This is the FEAR, the CHALLENGES that my former selves had projected and sometimes amplified by the fallen beings to discourage me from continuing walking the path to experience new experiences from servicing all life.  But then, by walking this path, the next experience brings in a new satisfaction, less fear and more peace to my heart that I am bringing in light to those who had lived in darkness for so long where no one else had brought them.  That reward is internal,  it is secret.  That is all I need even if I don’t see this reward manifested externally.  No Oprah; No the Maury show.  No big riches, no big fame, but I felt I am not after that.  The peace it brings me and I get that; I always thank the lord for giving me the opportunity to walk this path after I got the A-ha moment.  I do this because, I am so grateful that I am allowed to embody on this planet and serve and experience the experiences that will surely expand my spiritual horizons moving eternally forward.

Many blessings..   


  1. That was really straight to the point. Hugs from here.

    I find I can very much relate to and identify with much of what you said. Of that, most relevant to me is the fear of the unknown you talked about. This is DEATH and REBIRTH that occur stimultaneously (I think kim talks about it in his book heal your life by forgiving everything. I read bits of this book many years ago). This is the transcendence, when you transcend the old personality it dies and gives rise to the new to enter.

    Anyway, whenever spirit bids me to do certain new thing, for example to get to know someone new I don't know, I get this absolutely PARALYZING fear that makes me very very timid and secureless, well it might be amplified by fallen beings or not, but anyway I take full responsibility of it as something that is under my command. I feel so powerless that I actually shrink from the inside to the point of anxiety. Well, guess we have a buisness here with the primal self or parts of it. I am afraid to hurt that (new) person or get hurt by him. Any ideas of how to overcome this fear? The tools from kim does not help me, after a crisis I've been through.

  2. Have you tried the spiritual rays invocations to purify the 7 rays? What you are telling me seemed to be the perversion of the 1st ray.

  3. No doubt. It is the perversion of the first and seventh ray. As for now only one prayer works for me, and that is the invocation for a new emotional body from the book: the song of life healing matrix.

  4. It helps me to heal attachments and pains in the emotional body.

    1. Ok. I believe a new emotional body is Song Life 3 and if that resonates with you, then I think you need to spend sometime with it. It is my understanding that the song of life healing matrix is a set of healing tools for balancing the 7 rays and each song corresponds to a particular ray. I believe Song Life 3 helps in healing the 3rd ray which I think is why this prayer works for you. One of the perverted qualities of the 3rd ray is the desire to "control" most aspects of life and its outcome and your other perversions magnified and solidified your fear, because the Universe will always reflect back what you send out. If you desire to control certain outcome, then whoever you meet will also desire to control their outcome upon you, which can then form negative illusions like hurt, anxiety etc. This is part of the co-creative process -- meaning that if you send out positive qualities of the rays to co-create what you desire, then you will get back positive results. If you send out perverted qualities of the rays to co-create your desires, then you will get negative results as the Universe acts like a mirror. Remember that while you can master the positive qualities of all 7 rays which allow you to express your Christhood effectively as they all work to together; having some of the negative qualities of the 7 rays can do the opposite -- fear and feeling paralyzed like you are watching a horror movie in a theatre.

  5. However, anyway, I get insulted very easily as a result of even a fly flying in the wrong direction, very light things. I am very volnurable and emotionally weak. THIS is a pervertion of the first ray. How do you see it in light of what Kim wrote in his book "heal yourself by clearing the chakras" where he talks in the first chapter about inner honesty as a quality of the first ray? (I can give you a quote if needed). What is my inner dishonesty, my inner disharmony, that results in this condition? Thank you very much, dear.

    1. Can you provide me with that quote in regards to inner honesty from Kim's book to refresh my memory? Thanks!

    2. Of course! It'd be my pleasure.

      "Honesty is the foundation for true healing

      In order to restore true healing, we must begin with a solid foundation. We must begin with the First Ray of the will of God. What, then, is the quality of the First Ray? You may think of it as the will of God, you may think of it as the power of God, but how about another quality: _honesty_.

      Honesty, my beloved, is that not a quality of the First Ray? Is it not an expression of the will of God and the power of God? What is the core of honesty? Is it not oneness with the will of God? Truly, God is the ultimate honest being—for God cannot hide anything from itself.

      You may have heard the old question asked by the linear mind: “If God is almighty, can God create a rock so big that God cannot lift it?” God is One, so God cannot create anything that is hidden from itself—and thus the honesty. Consider the very core of dishonesty. It is the belief that something can be hidden, that it is possible to say or do certain things while thinking something different within. Indeed, the serpent, to Eve, portrayed itself as the liberator, come to set her free from the shackles of the command of the spiritual teacher in the garden. Right there is where the foundation of disease is laid—in the dishonesty, in the illusion that something can be hidden."

    3. I just came to the conclusion that there's certain disharmony in the corelation between what happens in the outer world and what happens in my inner world as a response, and that my ego is somehow involved.

    4. Maybe you can shed some light.

    5. An insight: my dishonesty with myself is in the corelation between what happens in the outside world and what happens inside of me and vice versa. Somehow, there is no, corelation. Maybe there is no match in how spirit, my I Am Presence, wants me to react, and how I react. Or it is my ego and not spirit. Anyway, another insight: I, or my ego, feel they have to bend accordingly in their reaction and adjust themeslves --- **and adjust themselves in a positive way**, to what our fellow men do, and at times, do to me. This is the root of the dispute inside of me, because I have a part that does not agree to this, does not agree that I will bend and adjust myself to the other. My ego never wants to clash when it comes to external confrontations. It wants to keep everything sugarly sweet. Any idea on how to solve this? (Would be greatly appreciated... again - sweet).

    6. Okay...
      Basically, your I AM Presence and the Conscious You is pure awareness. It is God's will to express our creativity; our creation and self expression is part of that will to be. So when a being is one with the I AM, it is also one with all human beings on this planet. So this pure awareness knows that everything else that disturb the peace and harmony of the self-expression of god is an illusion. An illusion that wants to keep you at bay; keep everything sugary sweet so you don't step on anyone's toes here on Earth. This illusion is part of everyone's birth trauma. When you and I first came to embody on this planet, we may have some naive agenda or desires, but these agendas and desires were formed when some of us lived in a natural planet. Earth is "NOT" a natural planet. So what happens in a natural planet when you self-express honestly? Well, you don't attacked when you self-express honestly something that may offend another being. That other being, in a natural planet, may choose to accept the feedback from you, learn and grow from that feedback and change or that being may simply choose not to accept the feedback and then walk away. There is no harm in self-expressing honestly in a natural planet. So when we, the avatars or the natural inhabitants of Earth (early Earth you can self-express honestly without being hurt), who had lived most of our lives in a natural planet elect to embody on Earth, we did so with a great desire to do greater good with either an agenda or desire that well, if we could tell people their flaws and correct them in a natural planet and see them change and grow, we could surely do the same on planet Earth. What we didn't have a firm grasps then was the concept of free will. In a natural planet, all beings respect free will of all beings. In an unnatural planet like Earth, some beings can disrespect free will of other beings as they can inflict pain and hurt to shut out this self-expression of god's will. So when we first embody on this planet, most of us did what we do when we last embodied on a natural planet. Our identity matrix was formed based on who we are from that natural planet. When we came here, we exercised and assumed that people on Earth would behave exactly like the beings on a natural planet. Unfortunately, when we self-express honestly on planet Earth, we all go hurt and traumatized. This shattered the original identity matrix you developed from the natural planet you lived in and in turn, you developed a new identity based on survival animal instincts which includes being dishonest in expressing yourself. Over many lifetimes, you created these dishonest egos, which the masters call them separate selves and primal selves that now when you want to self-express honestly, these selves will prevent you doing so. But truly, what is disturbing you mostly is not really what's outside of you. It's what is inside of you. We are beings of self-expression. We are meant to self-express freely and honestly, but because we are no longer given the opportunity to do so due to our separate selves and our disconnection to the masters of god, the inner disturbance and unpeace is a mechanism to get you to realize it is time to let go of the fear to self-express dishonestly and express honestly.

    7. It's like kettle with boiling water; the steam wants to be let out but the lid ontop is keeping it put. Eventually, the steam will escape no matter how hard the lid tries to contain it. The root of the dispute with you is that, part of you wants to self-express honestly what you are meant to express when you first embodied here. But the birth trauma and the fear of shame, loss of something and dying is what prevents you from expressing honestly. But in hindsight, the fear is being generated by your separate selves, the ego. It's not from your I AM Presence as it is pure awareness. It doesn't know fear, depression, anger or needing to adjust to please others or to fake to please others either. To solve it is to patiently work on your chakras first and bring them to balance. This may take sometime; in fact it may perhaps take your whole entire lifetime to do so. There's really no short cut as to how you can solve this enigma, because to get rid of these selves, you need to find the cause and the choices that created these separate selves. And then, you self-express honestly. And when you do, your separate selves will proof you wrong, telling you things and bad consequences. But when you realize the consequences isn't so bad, which is usually isn't because times today is different from 1000 or 100 of thousand of years before when you had your first birth trauma. The consequences of then is different from the NOW, but you still expect bad consequences of expressing truth as though you are still living 1000 of years ago. Which is why the masters say that you must live in the NOW; that means expect consequences which is NOW. Do not see any relationship as being confrontational. Every time you meet someone, 3 things will happen. They will attack you, run away from you or ignore you. If they try to attack you after you express honestly, go "IMMEDIATELY" to the oneness with your I AM and feel at peace. Feel at peace and do not judge that person even if you might get physically hurt. For this is "The Judgement of Christ". For anyone who hurt you while you are expressing honestly will be judged by god and the ascended masters as long as you remain neutral. You then become the Christ Witness. When you let go of any reaction, you will receive that consequence, but remember that the lessons that come to you are meant to come to you because you are ready to pass these tests! You just have to have to strength and determination that you can. If you want to learn how to deal with difficult people, I highly suggest that you attend a class in "assertive" communication. Being assertive is how you can assert your will to be the Christ in action, the being of honest self-expression!

    8. Wait,.. need to recover. I'm after a long period of self denial. My power has returned to me momentarily and I need recess. How do I act from here?...

    9. In order to preserve my sense of strength.

    10. I don't think the problem is in how I react, but before it, in the fact I do not accept with neutral state of mind whatever comes to me.

    11. Can you elaborate and be more specific?

    12. It just seems... the fact I feel I need to react comes from the presence of separate selves, that cause me to not receive with a neutral mind whatever happens. The fact I become hurt is from internal reasons, namely that I have two internal spirits fighting on with each other, one wish to respond in kind (similiarily) and restore justice, the other one fears of doing so - feeling I would die. So we see, that the problem is in me, that I do not accept with neutral mind, with indifference, whatever happens, which if I were, I would be in peace no matter what i would encounter, but I welcome it with unpeace, as a result of the internal spirits I have. You're welcome.

    13. To accept something in a neutral state of mind equals not accepting it in the state of mind of duality.

    14. In order to achieve and be in a neutral state of mind, a person needs to be completely transparent and honest with him or her self. When you are transparent with yourself, you are one with God as God is pure awareness = fully transparent. Full transparencies means full disclosure to god and the ascended masters. That is the key requirement of being in a neutral state of mind. This is the main reason why a lot of people suffer from duality consciousness; the consciousness of dishonesty, the consciousness of Ying and Yang, good or bad etc.. The collective consciousness of Earth is heavily biased towards non-transparency and that energy of dishonesty is very very strong. It has a negative pull and will put you and myself towards acting things out in duality. Which is why it is crucial to resolve the birth trauma and balancing the chakras. In order to do so, a person needs to be fully transparent with the masters as they are the only ones who could help hold the balance for the person who are in healing. The tools the masters had dispensed through Kim Michaels only work if the person is willing to be fully transparent with god and the masters. The tools won't work if there is any intent to be dishonest or hide the truth from the masters. That truth has to reside deep inside the heart. In my experience so far, I could not resolve the issues that you are experiencing without the help of my father (I AM Presence) and the masters. I found that if I am willing to be like little children (the mind of a child who is innocent and honest), then I have the blessings of God and the masters and they helped me hold the balance so I could be in the neutral state mind. When a person is in a neutral state of mind, then that person can see the internal spirits and can begin to let them die. That person has to be willing to die to be reborn into the new self. This dying process needs the assistance of the masters for awhile until that person masters the process. That mastery of the process is called "Buddha Hood" and everything the person sees and experiences is part of Buddha nature. When you are at that stage, you are truly in bliss (the feeling of no feeling) which helps let those internal spirits die as when they die, you are not shocked by their death like you are now. So my thoughts would be to be willing to be honest and transparent with the masters and let the process of healing and death and rebirth happen naturally.

    15. That transparensy you mention and speak about is exactly what kim means by honesty. Don't you think?

      Besides that, I think and feel I am being, in certain way, transparent and with the mind of the little child, in what relates to the ascended masters and those who treat me (take care). Why then, am i still feeling hurt from this or that thing? Am I not being completely transparent with myself?

    16. I always know that as long as I am in embodiment on Earth, I still have certain unresolved psychologies that prevents me from ascending. Those unresolved psychologies caused by the birth trauma are the ones that keep the internal spirits alive and prevent full transparency. So I always do my best to be with amongst different groups of people so I could see what hurts me and then adopt the means to heal from the illusions and psychology that caused me to react. Achieving full transparency is an ongoing process of letting go of the internal spirits (the separate and primal selves) in us, because in the last test necessary for ascending, Jesus demonstrated to us that he had to choose, by himself, to let go of the final ghost (final internal spirit) and to be fully transparent; that is he is not there to save these people and that he can't really save these people despite the miracles and the gifts he has been dispensed. The key to ascending is to maintain that neutral state of mind and the willingness to work to let go of the internal spirits. That process, speaking from my experience, is of joy not hurt. Usually there are 2 ways to work through certain unresolved psychologies. 1st way is through the divine school of love where the masters help to balance the pain and hurt while a lifestream goes through the healing process. 2nd way is through the school of hard knocks, where the pain and suffering and hurt is your teacher. That's the mechanism for which the Universe dispenses its lessons to all lifestreams. Just like if your car has no gas in the tank, the consequence of that is that the car wouldn't start. If you think or expect that gas should be in the car and the car would start, that thinking and expectation can only come from the ego, the separate selves as reality dictates that no gas=no start. The same analogy applies to spiritual learning. If someone is going through the school of hard knocks with pain, hurt and suffering, then the logical conclusion is that, that lifestream receives no help from the masters and god as this is how the Universe works. But then the ego or the separate selves have the cunning ability of convincing the lifestream that somehow the lifestream is connected to god, is being transparent and that it is god's or the ascended masters' fault. This is a way for the separate selves to survive and maintain its existence. When a lifestream gets a projection or suggestion from outside sources that points a finger at a fault, then that lifestream is not growing.
      When a lifestream is receiving guidance from the masters and the I AM, that lifestream adopts of a "Will To Be"; meaning that it is 100% sure the lifestream is doing its bidding for God. The byproduct of this is to experience unconditional love in a sense of experiencing the experience and not having the physical experience owning your 4 lower bodies, causing the lifestream to feel an emotional rollercoaster, forming personal opinions (mental body) and firming personal pride (identity body).

      Lastly, the masters can not take away our internal spirits that we had created over many life times. That is the responsibility of the spiritual lifestream (us). The masters' teachings released through Kim Michaels help to provide answers and solutions in how to go about resolving those spirits, but in order to do that, the lifestream has to make that personal choice to let go of the spirit. The masters and God can't do that for us no matter how much we decreed or did invocations. The idea behind the tools is to empower students to let go of those spirits by themselves. But even tools have limitations if the students are led to believe that they are progressing or even in a neutral state of mind projected by the fallen beings and the ego despite their mental and spiritual well being not improving for the better.

    17. I used to use the third invocation of A New Emotional Body because there was something very soft, and motherly, and comforting about it. You said that it belongs to the third ray of love, well, love is where I come from.

      When I say I was honest, or transparent, I mean on the conscious level, on the level of the conscious mind, not on all the levels of the subconsciousness of course.

      Now, somewhere along the comments you wrote (unfortunately the search does not apply on the comments so it's hard to find where) that our free will is limited to two options: transcending and becoming more or being stagnant (=being less). Is this understood correctly and more important, what does it require to be more and transcend ourselves? Best wishes.

    18. To understand correctly, we are given free will to experience anything so we can grow from that experience. It is that experience that allows us to grow and to become more. And this sets the bar for others to follow so to speak. When enough lifestream transcend to a higher level of consciousness, this places pressure on the majority of lifestream to play catch up. Which is why what you are seeing today; more violence and more right wing extremist views are basically a result of many lifestreams on Earth who had walked the path of self-transcendence and then now, the collective of the holy spirit put pressure on everyone to play catchup. Some who stay stagnant and do nothing may feel depressed or anxious and some who rebel may act it out in violence. Suffice to say, you can exercise your will to be stagnant or backslide for a while, but the collective flow of the holy spirit will eventually pressure those who stay behind to start moving along the path. This is the reason why when someone attains a higher level of consciousness and meet someone who has a lower level of consciousness, the flow of the holy spirit from the higher level lifestream puts pressure on the lower level lifestream to move; to become more. When the flow of the holy spirit puts pressure on lifestreams who refuse to grow, this is "NOT" a violation of their free will to being stagnant or being less. This is because it is god's law and god's will for all of his co-creators to grow and transcend. So in a way and as it is right now, the will to transcend and become more outpace the will to being less. Earth is in an upward trajectory despite what you are seeing in the news and what you see in the news in terms of chaos and possible outbreak of war are simply the rebellion put out by some lifestreams who want to remain stagnant rather than be more. So in a way, you are limited to one option, but because a lot of us relate very deeply to the duality consciousness, we think that we have to make 2 choices.

      In order to be more and raise our level of consciousness, we have to go through stages in our spiritual path where we can finally decide enough is enough and we make an effort to heal our psychology and then make a firm connection to the masters. There are 144 levels of consciousness. From the 48th to the 96th level of consciousness, you are mainly focusing on working on yourself, so this is when it's a good idea to balance all the 7 rays, develop creative freedom and establish a firm connection to any master that resonates to you. From the 97th to the 144th level, you are focused on working self-less to help raise the all by being the hands and feet of the masters. At higher level of consciousness, you will no longer have any value judgement as you are one with all life. Without value judgement, growth will become exponential, so growth comes from performing service to life. Meaning; as you allow a master to teach another lifestream through you, you are also being taught lessons for your own growth. Sort of like killing 2 birds with 1 stone. So you see; masters have their efficient ways of helping you grow; to become more. Focus on healing the chakras and psychology so you develop no value judgement on all life. In my experience, this is a big pulse to growth and development.

    19. I'm confused, totally confused. I do not know anymore what is required of me. I am so powerless and it causes me to be a passive recipient to the world, I am so passive and powerless that any assertive feedback causes me to enter a loop, that could remain for very long hours. And this by the most innocent of remarks. I have already succeded in the past of ridding myself from this psychic implant, and it was gone for 6 months, but then it returned. Have it returned because i refused to be more and serve the world? What should I do with this problem?

      p.s., could be a medical imbalance.

    20. I'm confused, why do we have only one option to choose from? I didn't get that part.

    21. What you are experiencing Dandy is the process of spiritual growth. You get an assertive feedback which then causes you to enter a loop. You then discover and resolve the psychology by letting the separate selves die. You get a period of peace and then the next round happens and you enter the loop again. This healing process is necessary for the preparation of the path of Christhood where every lifestream has to walk as we are all destined to ascend and return to heaven. That's our birth right. You said, why do we have only one option to choose from? The reason is that, we came from heaven and we must return to heaven. You can only return to heaven when you are completely healed from the duality consciousness, the mind of anti-christ.

      What should you do with this problem? Well, a piece of advice I learned and have been applying in my spiritual practice has been this.. With any assertive feedback I receive from anyone; is this coming from a state of duality consciousness and a mind of anti-christ.

      Look at the assertive feedback -- does this help you grow and become more or does this only put you down and be less? Your heart will know. Focus on the feedback that has the potential to allow you to grow.

      You are confused as to why you only have one option to choose; that is to be more and ascend. That is because, you can't continue being a limited being (the human consciousness) forever. You are NOT a limited being. You are a spiritual being capable of so much more, but living in a limited environment with a limited body. You are NOT meant to live in this existence. This limited existence is meant to be a teaching tool for all of us to grow in self-awareness. It is NOT meant to make us limited permanently. Examine this thought of yours as to why you feel you have to feel limited.

    22. "Examine this thought of yours as to why you feel you have to feel limited."

      When I wake up from sleep I do not have the power to do anything, I do not have the motivation to get up, I want to stay in the dream world forever, it's kind of escapism. Isn't it because I have nothing to live for?

  6. It's like, something very small happens, and then I carry it on with me for hours upon hours as a block in my heart.

  7. You wrote: "What you are experiencing Dandy is the process of spiritual growth. You get an assertive feedback which then causes you to enter a loop. You then discover and resolve the psychology by letting the separate selves die. You get a period of peace and then the next round happens and you enter the loop again."

    - I wish that has been so. in practical reality, I do not resolve the psychology, the separate selves behind it. It/they only grow. So the problem gets worse and worse as time passes.

  8. The same psychology can carry a number of separate selves in your 4 lower bodies. So when you let go of the selves in one body, you may have other selves residing in your other bodies. 4 lower bodies is identity, mental, emotional and physical. I don't think they are growing. They didn't show up before because you didn't pose a threat to them, but as you work to resolve by being in a situation where you continue to receive the same assertive feedback means you still need to let go of more of those selves. Focus on the process, not on the results. These tests will continue until you have removed all the selves. You will feel literally free and the same assertive feedback will no longer cause you to be in the loop. So you need to make a goal to allow you to focus on the process of healing. What is your goal based on your heart? Without a goal, it's very challenging to continue healing since these selves and the fallen beings will do anything they can to discourage you from achieving your victory. As I said earlier, you can't really do this alone by sheer will. You need to work alongside a master. For myself, I work with a number of masters to help me resolve those selves if I'm stuck as they can see through the illusions better than I can. Surrender your will to the masters and they will come to help you.

    1. What does it mean to surrender our will to the masters'? How can this be achieved?

  9. There was something more I received from spirit to tell you or to comment upon, a week or two ago, but I didn't do it immediately, I postponed it, and then I forgot about it, and then it evaporated. Alas.

    However, I wish to make a new comment. You wrote: "You will have great difficulty navigating through this exercise if you do this alone as you had already pointed out that fear of speaking out will dissuade you for manifesting your first ray."

    I have a great fear from expressing myself to new, strange, people. And that's exactly what I think is my life plan. And that is exactly what have brought me to this state, the avoidance from doing so. By not multiplying what I have. But the main reason I do not multiply is out of fear, out of apprehension, of how those people will respond to me. And what's more, sometimes I felt comfortable in my skin, comfortable to interjeck myself, but something in the *will*, in the (non) will to experiment and become more, prevented me from this.

    1. If you haven't already read this book, but the Healing From Your Spiritual Traumas from Kim Michaels; is a good book that explains it all.

      The fear you have expressing yourself (self-expression is our natural state as we are all co-creators) is a symptom of the trauma(s) inflicted by the fallen beings and that we all experienced this when we first embodied on this planet. Over many lifetimes, these fallen beings had pummelled us into submission that we can no longer express naturally we are meant to be due to fear. Instead, we end up doing things in place of what we are meant to be. This is the basis of the will of "Doing" as opposed to the will of "Being". So today, most people tend to "DO" things like working in familiar jobs, being with the same groups of people and doing the same things over and over again. You will see this in many people. Basically, it's a form of escapism. They think they are doing these for the benefit of god, but they are basically circumventing the fear by doing things in place and may in fact multiple materially on this planet through force, but not realizing their will to be on this planet to express their co-creative talents/gifts and to multiply the talents so they could bring in more light from above. So whenever you woke up to realize your true purpose and begin to express your will to "BE" who you are, the fallen beings will project fear in you to stop you from doing you are meant to do. This is basically the "Prince of this world has *something* in me". What you want truly is -- "The Prince of this world has nothing in me". Their fear projection has nothing to grab on to inside of you. In order to transcend this fear, you need to face the birth trauma and resolve it. But facing the birth trauma alone is not easy nor is it possible, which is why the book explained that you need to have the master be by your side to help balance the fear and when you look at the birth trauma, you have to be in 3rd person perspective looking at your "Past You" and then heal from that. The book will explain the process, but I recommend that if you do this healing, read carefully and follow the instructions. If you face on this trauma head on, it will be very troubling. However; once you resolved the birth trauma, it becomes easier to remove those separate selves because there is no trauma for the fallen beings to pull you down with. They may scare you, but you have a sense of control , your will to "BE" to heal. With the trauma still in place, you will is to "DO" things to either try to remove or avoid being who you truly are.

  10. Do you think my non-willingness to experiment brought me to this predicament?


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