Christ Discernment

Today is Remembrance Day and across many countries, some of us are remembering the fallen soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the name of their country they represented and fought for.  There were people who fought for the establishment of an elite race and there were people who fought for the establishment of the just.  War is never pretty and killing another human being IS NOT what God had planned all along.  It is the fallen consciousness and the fallen beings who believe their version of God's plans are just.  They have been doing this for many lifetimes.

The masters had explained that in the unrecorded history, we were once one being, one land and one planet.  We were not separated and we were one with our creator being.  When we embraced the fallen consciousness and fell, we created separation and a separate race.  We created specific and unique concepts where this represented this concept as a country and countrymen and that concept where that represented another country and countrymen.  When both people in different countries have a difference in opinion and concepts, they see those differences as physical and hence act on the physical appearances of their differences.  What they had lacked, which they had before in earlier lifetimes, was Christ Discernment.  The ability to discern between Oneness and Duality consciousness.

Today, I would to talk about Christ Discernment and it is a fitting moment for me to describe what Christ Discernment truly is based on my many past experiences, including my past lifetimes.

For many spiritual seekers, Christ Discernment is a concept that they have relatively understood as being the ability to judge what is the truth and what is the un-truth.  When there is a false,  there is also a right.  This concept is promoted based on the duality consciousness.  Even if an advanced spiritual being is to have some sort of Christ Discernment, he or she would mis-use it based on the duality consciousness based on the beliefs and concepts the being is trapped in at the time.  Christ Discernment is not a fixed concept.  It is ever evolving as we know that on this planet, we can achieve the highest level of consciousness, the 144th level of consciousness and as we accelerate our level of service, thus we also accelerate our level of consciousness to reach the 144th level, we are then able to expand our level of Christ Discernment to discern the finer points of what is happening on this planet and the beings living in.  What we discern in the previous level will wow us with new understanding and new appreciation as we up the level of our consciousness from one level to the next.  We can always see what we see with a new level of understanding and clarity as we move up.  So Christ Discernment is not judgement.  It is a way for us as the advanced top 10% of the spiritual being to see and then understand the underlying conditions and situations of a particular situation and make a well informed decision on what to do to help bring about change and to accelerate the particular event.

So Christ Discernment is about sensing intuitively from the heart the level of vibration.  Is it of the highest vibration or is it of the lowest vibration?  If that is the case, for the low vibration, at which level of 144th of consciousness it is vibrating at and what I could do to bring about change so the spiritual being that is vibrating in can learn a lesson or I help expose the beam in his/her own eye to help raise his or her vibration from 1 level to the next.  Or in the case of the place I live in -- what can I do to raise the vibration of the country I live in and help accelerate its vibration to the next level.
All of this sounds pretty simple right?

Most people who are very intellectual try to understand, own and control Christ Discernment as part of their intellectual understanding.  They try to use what they learned from past religions and spiritual movements they had belonged in and then use those teachings to help nurture their Christ Discernment.  But here's the problem.  Christ Discernment can not be nurtured nor be cultivated by man made religion.  It can only be cultivated and nurtured by you through living experiences.  We all have the ability to be intuitive.  We can sense energy vibration and we can also have the ability to sense what is of the highest truth and what is not even though we can not put any words to it.
And this is exactly the point.  You can not put any words towards Christ Discernment.  Christ Discernment is about a feeling of a certain vibration that you had been in and able to transcend afterwards through your spiritual work by walking the divine path.  This is useful later on when you sense low vibrational energies that do not belong to you, but to others or in a country you are not a resident of and know that, this is NOT you vibrating at these frequencies.  But then, it is you who can make a difference.  It is you who know how to get out of these situations because you had gotten out of it either by yourself or by someone shocking you by helping raise the level of your consciousness.  You know this because you've been there before.  The solution you creatively discovered to help raise your level of consciousness can then be used to help others to realize their own potential.  This is in essence, the father aspect of service.  The Alpha aspect of service where you help others see the beam in their own eyes and then help them raise out of the rut they had been in for this or many past lifetimes.

So in order for raising the level of Christ Discernment, the spiritual seeker will need to embrace the path of MORE.  The path of MORE allows the spiritual seeker to multiple his/her talents; allowing MORE work to be done on this planet and help raise the planet higher.  This means, you are working alongside with the ascended masters.  You are a team.  The ascended masters are especially joyful as they work with ascended master students who are willing to become more, to accelerate and to quicken their resolve of their own unresolved psychologies that are and have been impeding their growth for many lifetimes.  As you are becoming MORE and raising your level of service, your Christ Discernment also increases and you will more to share with your other fellow spiritual beings and help them raise from their current status quo.  Currently, the top 10% of the most spiritually gifted people can do this.  But then, they use Christ Discernment for other purposes -- mainly to elevate their own separate selves. 

You can see this in religious and spiritual organizations where you have a GURU or a senior teacher who have some connection to the divine, have a certain measure of Christ Discernment and yet, they are stuck.  They can not move anymore forward and they don't seem to get any new teachings from the masters.  Usually, they think the masters are too busy helping others. 
Hold on for a second here ---  The masters are never too busy helping others.  The reason the masters are never there for you because, they too are transcending to become more than they are.  They are never at a standstill.  The person who is busy are those who are comfortable at a certain stage and feel important because they are above their peers and followers.  We are too preoccupied with own past accomplishments that we are not willing to let go of the past, like detaching the big rocket booster once the spaceship is in space.  We carry a burden of a heavy anchor of the past and this is stifling our spiritual growth.  How can you accelerate more forward when you have dead weight attached to your back -- or stones in your backpack.  This can happen to people who are at the 96th level of consciousness and are having difficulty facing the initiation which will lead them to the 97th level and beyond.
This can happen also with people at the 47th moving forward to the 48th, though this is for other reasons.

In order to cultivate your Christ Discernment and nurture it, you must be yourself and you must know yourself.  You must reclaim your own identity and embrace who you truly are and what you are supposed to do.  And then, walk the path what your heart feels is right and embrace the divine direction of the masters.  To allow yourself to develop Christ Discernment further, you need to be brave and willing to embrace the path of more and then realize what your true potential is.  This path will be uncomfortable.  Growth is never uncomfortable anyhow, but the rewards at the end of the tunnel meant that with Christ Discernment, you can see situations for what they are and make an informed choice that is of the highest level of service.  And then abundance will come.

But today, we remember the people who sacrificed themselves in wars for no reasons whatsoever.  If these people have an ounce of Christ Discernment, they would have discerned the futility of fighting wars or even creating wars.  Instead, they were brainwashed with propaganda to help fight a flawed concept.  They would have known that these are man made concepts promoted by the fallen beings.  Many wars can be prevented if these spiritual beings would have made an informed spiritual choice, a choice that would have bring about an acceleration to this planet where wars will be a thing of the past.

So lest us remember that by accelerating our service, we the top 10% of the spiritual brothers and sisters can help shift the balance of this planet and accelerate and remove wars from this planet forever.  But you need to stop raising yourself to be better than another ascended master student.  You need to stop separating yourself and using Christ Discernment as a justification of judging your other fellow top 10%.  Dis-unity and judging will not bring us closer to the Golden Age, nor help you foster your development of Christ Discernment

Many Blessings,



  1. How can i be more? Is it something in the outward or inward that i need to do?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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