"Let it be" on this New Year's Eve of 2017

In the eve of the new year, I would like to say that I am glad that I made it and I had learned a number of major lessons that I don't think it would be possible if it weren't for my decision to embark on a new career and committed to serving all life.  After some major healing of the traumas I suffered in my many past lifetimes, I took the courage to switch to a different line of work.  That work is as a caregiver for the elderly and I would not have done this if I haven't gone through the spiritual awakening process and then realize my purpose here on planet Earth, and that is to do greater works than Jesus did 2000 years ago.  Despite I hating the dude before the awakening and then subsequently saved by him as I reached out for him and then mentored by him through the 2 years Christhood program, I would not be in the place I am now if it weren't for Jesus Christ.  I am really so grateful for his presence and the presence of Mother Mary from time to time, helping me heal the feminine aspect of self and allowed me to move forward to becoming a male caregiver.  This is definitely not the job for the faint hearted..  Dealing with patients who are under anti-psychotic medications like Haldol (Haloperidol) and Olanzapine, and opiods like Hydromorphone (dihydromorphinone), fentanyl and others that have a wide variety of mood swings and aggressive behaviours while changing their diapers, cleaning their urine splatter from their bodies as well as their feces.  It was a degrading experience and it certainly isn't something I am used to.  Imagine the shock I had to go through from a person who used to work comfortably in the office for close to 3 decades as a manager. supervisor and leader, with full benefits, close to six figures salary and always have someone to clean the mess.  And turn that around and now having me working minimum wage and am now the person who is doing all the cleaning as well as house cleaning.  It was very tough work which can take a huge psychological mentally and emotionally and a part of me (the EGO voice ) said "David - just quit, you don't deserve this".  My dad was not at all helpful either.  In the few months into my job as a caregiver, I always wanted to take the easy way out.  Just quit this!   I don't deserve to work as a caregiver!  And yet, deep inside of me, out comes a voice of encouragement, a voice of unconditional love and a knowing that I will understand the reasons why I had to go through this ordeal in the end.  Also, my biological mother, who used to work as a nurse, was the only one that encouraged me to go on, support me and sometimes push to do more.  Funny how all this turns out.  I almost felt like Jesus Christ being pushed by her mother on the wedding at Cana to start his ministry.  This was the push I felt by my own biological mother!!.

At the end of 2017, I realized how much I learned and how much more I can learn in 2018.   This job is no longer about hardship, it is about opportunities for me to grow and develop and bring any change if at all possible.  I had seen some clients I cared for got better.  Some had left and returned and I hope my ministry helped them transcend over their next life time.  Whatever it is, I now understand that doing great works than Jesus takes effort, but the rewards from this commitment of work to service others and help raise them is profoundly rewarding, not outwardly though.  It is that inward satisfaction, inward reward of gratitude and joy.  Something that no amount of money can buy.  I don't feel poor.  I feel empowered I could do more.

I like to end this with a song -- Let It Be..  See you in 2018!



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