My Lives with Lucifer, Satan, Hitler and Jesus

As a spiritual seeker, there is always one question in your mind that want answered. And that is; what am I supposed to be doing in this life? Honestly, the majority of us were told what we should be doing and what we should be listening to, but somehow we know that someone is always lying to us. And that someone is playing a game on us, fooling us into giving away our sweat and blood away to an entity or a group of small elite. We know this because we are revolting against the power elite, but we seemed to again be fed by some propaganda machine into making us vote this group or that group. As though, we are the cows to be milked.

If this is you and you want to seek some answers, I challenge you to read this book. As a spiritual seeker myself, I had many questions that I had seek answers from psychics, from mediums and channellers and from some ascended masters students that gave me some answers that seemed to ring some truth, but underneath those relative truths I always felt the vibration from them to be somewhat off. They didn't felt right, but it was an interesting process of learning. Deep in my heart, there is always a little voice telling me that someday all these will be revealed to you and you would understood why you went through what seemingly to be 30 years of life challenges.

Well as it turns out, I went through an immersion phase and the final initiations phases that this book finally answered. Some of the questions that no top Guru or Spiritual masters I've met and even those so-called spiritual channellers could answer, like the experience of the "Express Elevator" and seeing the light of the tunnel which I had experienced a few times that finally revealed my own divine plan and the masters and how those fallen beings had tried to persuade me to stop experiencing them! Thankfully, I did not listen to them because their explanation and their vibration don't seem to feel at all right. This is the first book that I had read that had described these initiations in depth details that simply blew my mind. Because I had experienced these experiences personally, I knew this book and the author would only know this not by intellectual analyzing, but rather a true spiritual experience as one would have gone through as you approach the 144th level of consciousness.

I truly thanked the author for releasing this book. Seek deep in your heart and the truth will set you FREE!

This book is available for purchase as a Kindle edition format from Amazon.  This was where I bought it.


  1. At a question about schizophrenia at this link

    kim michaels says that a lifestream never wants to experience the negative aspects of existence, and he also says afterwards that a lifestream could want to experience schizophrenia in order to overcome it. How those two statesments are to be reconciled with each other? Schizophrenia is a negative experience, so how could a lifestream want to experience such thing?

  2. A lifestream who embodied on this dense planet and who was originally whole will find the density of the planet and the actions of the fallen beings to be so traumatic that, these experiences are likely to cause soul fragmentation. Depending on the severity of the fragmentation, the more serious the fragmentation the more likelihood that the lifestream will embody in a family where there's a high probability that the lifestream will experience schizophrenia. But what is the purpose of our existence my beloved? It is to experience life my beloved. So how, my beloved, is it that you are going to experience the nuances of the unnatural life like a negative experience if you haven't experienced it yet? There is a difference between an intellectual understanding of a negative experience and the actual experience of negative experiences for they are different. Many lifestreams want to experience how life and living on this planet is like and how sometimes the urge of wanting to experience negativity as a way to contrast the positivity of life that you know already on a natural planet is how you overcome it. How do you overcome cold water, if you haven't experience warm water? How do you overcome saltiness or if you haven't experienced sweetness? All we are doing in life is to experience the contrast being two dualities and therefore, once we have the experiences of these 2 polar opposites is when we can form a balanced viewpoint of what life is like on this planet. My beloved, people believe that living with a un-curable disease like Schizophrenia or Alzheimer's is a death sentence to some, because nothing positive comes out of it. Nevertheless, these kind of thoughts my beloved come from the poverty consciousness; that is only good experience can bring the abundant life. However, negative experiences if taken as an opportunity for growth can in a way help raise your level of consciousness; wouldn't that also bring the abundant life in you?

  3. Not if we are not in control of ourselves. Which leads me to the next question: Kim Michaels in one of his recent events said something that went on like this: "you, which ideally means the conscious you"...

    What does that mean? is there another option?

    1. When you are embodied on this planet, you will always have a certain aspect of your ego that influences your actions. Although as you reach closer to the 144th level of consciousness, you will achieve the mastery of the illusions of this planet and strive to continue growing and transcending. So in a way, you as meaning the conscious you elects to grow and transcend despite your own ego saying otherwise. 

But how then, my beloved, is the conscious you achieve such control?!? It is through living experiences. The conscious you, which is that "YOU" have had enough of those experiences and while the ego and the influences of the fallen beings want you to go back on the downward spiral, reliving the same experiences again and again, "YOU" will elect not to because you have had enough. When you have had enough, I mean enough of the same experiences lifetime after lifetimes will YOU will then make a different choice. Once you have made a different choice and that choice can be that when you incarnate into a new body on the next lifetime, you no longer have to be a Schizophrenic patient nor have the symptoms of dementia for you no longer need to have to repeat the same experience. So even if you are not in control of your actions and your experiences, YOU, the Conscious You is always in control in letting go of the experience. Any experience manifested on the physical plain is a last ditch effort to wake up the lifestream of the unresolved psychologies that it needs working on to resolve, let go and transcend to a higher level of consciousness. It is because certain lifestreams who made an effort to control the experiences they wanted having because they did not want to look at a certain beam in their own eye had manifested negative experiences to finally look into the beam of their own eye.

      My beloved, I will give you an example, but I will not advocate you do this. 

If you intentionally place your hand in boiling water and let it burn, you will feel the negative sensation of pain. However, if you have certain aspects of your ego and your unresolved psychologies that make you (control you) to place your hand continually in boiling water, even though the pain is unbearable, then it is your ego who justifies this as being fine, because there is a reward for your actions. Your unresolved psychologies and the separate selves in you may perhaps be showing to others you are a tough guy willing to tolerate more pain than they can and then expecting others to wow you, congratulate you that you are a tough guy. But do you know what is the driving desire for such pain my beloved? It is the desire to receive love externally from others. The lifestream doing this does not love his/her body, does not love his/her existence and continually wants to impress others rather than taking care of him/herself, due to perhaps suffering from a previous trauma under the hands of several fallen beings in past lifetimes. Only after a certain period of time of these negative experiences and this could take many thousand of lifetimes later until this lifestream realizes that the experience brings the revelation that this lifestream needs to learn before the lifestream can then realize the futility of his or her actions. Only THEN, my beloved, will YOU (the conscious you) makes a conscious decision to leave this futility, this exercise of inflicting pain in your body, embracing the negative experience because the lifestream understood that love can only be had from within.

  4. Don't you think that if someone has gone a very difficult life, he will have a respite from this and by this fact earn an easier life? Why do you make god the cruel, judgmental being in the sky? I'm talking about what you said that a lifestream with fragmentation will have higher chances of embodying in schizophrenic family.

  5. Danny, the ordeal of the difficult life one lifestream has to go through is necessary for the lifestream to finally learn the lessons it needs to learn. Free will allows the lifestream to Will To Be either "MORE" or "LESS = Stagnant". If a lifestream's will is to be "MORE" than he or she is today and in all his or her past lifetimes, then this lifestream will receive progressive revelation through "Divine Assistance" from any master. If the lifestream is unwilling to exercise his or her will to be "MORE" and exercise his or her free will to be "LESS or Stagnant", then there will be no progressive revelation and no divine assistance given to the life stream. God has given every lifestream "Free Will" and dominion to Planet Earth and therefore respect every lifestream's decision to exercise his or her spiritual growth. Keep in mind that every lifestream can choose, before re-embodying, on this planet on how to proceed in transcending its past karma and the lessons by choosing to be with a certain family to achieve maximum growth. Nevertheless, that same lifestream is responsible for the mis-qualified energies and decisions he/she made in past lifetimes that caused the soul fragmentation in the first place and the lifestream has to re-embody again in this lifetime to transcend those choices and decisions that got the lifestream in the situation it is now in. Unfortunately, the lifestream will loose the memory of what lessons the lifestream will need to learn when he/she re-embodies on this planet due to the density of this planet. So of course, lifestream will feel that he/she is living a difficult life and why life sucks and why god is so cruel to the lifestream. Having said that, whatever choices the lifestream made in the past to BE LESS and keeping being LESS not grow will eventually be forced upon them to grow, to catch up with the rest of other lifestreams that want to grow and kept growing spiritually. While God gave us Free Will to choose, this does not mean you are allowed to choose to be LESS forever. Eventually circumstances around you will PUSH YOU to be MORE. This is god's law; even moving transcendence as if God continually transcends so will we as we are part of God. So this is why any lifestream who refuses to be "MORE" for a specific time will have a higher chances of being in unpleasant conditions and situations so the lifestream will have no choice but to choose "MORE"; a better life and reconnection back to the higher realm, with their higher selves and then with the masters.

    1. What you do not understand is that I have grown tramendeously from the fall into schizophrenia. Tramendeously.

    2. And anyway going into schizophrenia was the best possible choice at the time according to my state of consciousness.

  6. Danny, spiritual transcendence is ongoing and depending on your divine plan on this lifetime, your ordeal requires gradual spiritual growth which can not be measured by the conscious mind. Nevertheless, your spiritual growth is unique to you and yet what needs to be measured is not how much have you attained in this lifetime; it is how much MORE can you attain moving forward in this lifetime even with a certain mental disability. Sometimes lifestreams are not aware that they could only grow with accompanying disabilities, be in physical, mental, emotional etc because in past lifetimes, the easier life did not foster any potential growth. So sometimes when the lifestream goes through the life review with the I AM Presence and with the masters and other highly evolved beings, the lifestream will judges itself for not achieving the highest potential it could manifest in that life knowing all the pertaining information given. It is then the choice of the lifestream to choose what it needed to do to accomplish a higher growth potential and this can be in a form of mental illness as well. As there is an old saying -- One still can do more with less! Even if life is difficult living with a mental disease, it is still a life that the lifestream can learn until it leaves this planet. Think of it, Danny, that if you truly learned your lessons and recover from the illness, what will you do to grow spiritually? Can you grow further and more effectively without the disease and simply be like most everyone else who decided to live a life in comfort and normality, but choose to stay stagnant? No lifestream can stay stagnant and be excused from not willing to grow. Every lifestream is required to grow, to move forward because the planet is moving forward. Re-incarnating on Earth again in future lifetimes require a lifestream to master the consciousness of Aquarius; some do this through spiritual work, some does this through the school of hardknocks either by taking on certain disabilities. Every lifestream learns to transcend differently.

  7. It's not for you to decide where I take incarnation, it's for the adcended masters.

  8. How do i awaken from the deep slumber I am in? My fire is distinguished. I recently met someone which went through a lot in the outer and I felt a great sympathy for him. I feel that I love him but i also feel I am not enough connected to myself to connect to that love and deliver it to him. I wish to become the living christ for him, as I could be in the past as I met someone new, but I am asleep, pity. I feel we can become as brothers if only I can awaken. And I wish to do so. Any help in this is appreciated.

  9. I believe I will be born in good conditions, to parents and enviroment who will understand my issues and needs, because the ascended masters are seeking to help people grow, and those are the conditions which will be best for my growth. What good will it be for me to once again have schizophrenia, one time is enough and history never repeats itself. What good will it be if I continue the downward spiral that my disease strated? It is better under all perspectives to see how I find healing to my wounds. What do you think? You are invited to comment.

  10. My beloved, Earth is an educational institution where lifestreams reincarnate to learn and experience the lessons they had planned before they took embodiment. So therefore, once the lessons are learned, naturally the lifestream no longer needs to take embodiment in the same situations they are in now. Right now, you are not able to see the full picture of why you have taken embodiment in such difficult situations as this is part of the illusion for any lifestream to experience without having all the answers to the lessons provided to them up front. It is the lifestream's responsibility to solve the enigma, the problems and transcend them by making a better choice. All the illnesses people go through all have some underlying lessons that can only be learned through the illnesses. So if the lifestream pays attention and be willing to be open to the masters and ask for their help; in essence you will be given clues in how to resolve the lifestream's particular problem. Only an Ascended Master can help invoke the light to resolve any issues if you are willing to. But you need to show that you are willing; that is you have to show the master that your free will allows the master to see everything in you and you must be willing to hide nothing from the masters.


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