Don’t sink on Nada’s quick sand

2018 is the initiation of the 6th ray of peace and accelerated service.  For some of us, it is the year that allows us to see our past momentums, realize and acknowledge it before moving to forgiveness and then letting it go.  In my particular case, I had been on a long journey of trying to save my brothers and sisters through my healing practice, my healing gifts.  For the longest time, I came here thinking that I am here to save people from their physical suffering and take their pain away, thinking that they do not deserve the pain and should be given a reprieve so they could see their illusions and mend their psychologies.  I was in a constant battle between the dark forces and the principle leader “Yah Weh”, that I was battling for the good, for God and that my spiritual healing gifts were meant to lift the pain and suffering of my many brothers and sisters on this planet.  I had been on this journey for far too long.  In fact, it is no coincidence that I am currently walking a divine path that placed me close to the original condition that I was set to overcome.  And that is, it is the freewill of others who made the choice to allow certain physical conditions to beset them on this planet.  By me battling against dark forces and lifting these physical conditions would only prolong the agony and delay the spiritual progress many of my brothers and sisters had almost achieved.  And so in this life time, I had noticed these tendencies to help others in a form of direct communication through the masters to provide communion between myself and my fellow brother or sister who are indeed in need of help.  But I also realize that I am also digging a karmic sand trap where I would be drawn into attracting more of these conditions that never would seem to end.  Case in point that a few months ago, I thought that I was here to help people who suffer from a variety of sickness and to help them.   In essence, a form of service.  But I quickly realized that it is an artificial form of service, a service that seemed to be put by someone else other than my I AM Presence.  It felt artificial because of the feeling of insecurity that if I do not do this, then I felt I am not doing a good job of service.  In that process of service, I got sick.  I got a flu.  Then I asked the help of Lady Master Nada and also Guru Ma and then in the Etheric realm where Master Nada was trying to show me something and then it clicked on me.  I was doing so much trying to help those that I have a karmic tie to, but without accessing their free will.  I was looking to be validated; I was thinking that I was better than God and then I realized no matter how I do to try to correct the imbalances of my brothers and sisters either through spiritual healing or through me as an instrument of divine communion, I realize I was always trying hard to do something.  Do this or do that, but true healing is about the willingness of an individual spirit will to accept change within themselves.  It is the free will of the individual spirit that caused them to be ill and to recover from this illness, it needs the will of the same individual to make a new choice to undo the previous choice that led them to the condition they are in now.  I was also hypercritical of being a perfectionist and that I fell ill briefly because someone commented that I was not giving good enough care to the patients.  And that she told me to just let it go, be non-attached and not to be too critical in my position of a care giver.  I realized then that everyone in the world is trying to do something to be someone or to be acknowledged as that someone rather than “being” the spiritual being that we are.  Sometimes when we felt compelled to do something and feel at peace, that in itself draws the karmic cycle back to you because that is how you would feel at peace!  

It took me awhile to sink in, but when I realized it in the physical, I was quite amazed how quickly I recovered from my flu — took about 5 days only.  We undoubtly want to do something to change something in this world or change through our doing, our involvement on this planet.  But I had realized that I can be in this world, observing and raising my consciousness and that in itself, by the cosmic law, will return to me what I sent out.


  1. Is it possible to want to transcend? The desire to transcend is an attachment that causes me to feel stuck whenever I\'m not doing anything to promote this cause. That is the meaning behind sinking into quicksand. So what is the solution to this dilema, to this paradox?

    1. When you are one with your I AM Presence, then anything is possible as I as my own-self can't do anything, only the father within can. The difficulty you are facing my beloved is that, anything else created on this Earth such as your primal selves, the ego and any other selves can not simply transcend its created attachments. It is like a dog chasing its tail around and round, where there is no end. You'll easily sink into quick sand as you struggle to transcend an attachment through one of your primal self or selves, because the ego and these selves were not originally created before you descended to Earth. How else can you ascend back while bringing these selves and ego with you my beloved? Even a balloon can not certainly rise to the sky if it's attached to a stone. Let go of the stone. Let go of your primal selves, so you let your I AM Presence work through you bringing the divine experiences which can then allow you to grow and become more.

  2. How do I overcome those primal selves?

  3. My beloved, you can only overcome those primal selves by building your spiritual self-esteem. By being one with your I AM Presence, you will receive the light of unconditional love from I AM Presence so when you are influenced by one of your primal selves, you can see this an excellent opportunity to learn and let go of that self for your own personal spiritual growth. So many spiritual beings, including myself in the past, had been challenged to look upon myself as a being who are here to learn, develop and grow. Instead, we tend to escape to various forms of activities where we hide our true being and develop our primal self to prevent us to experience the pain and suffering of our true purpose of life. Primal selves operate on "CONDITIONAL" love, for it operates on a specific condition. In order to overcome the primal selves, you need to embrace complete unconditional love and that is only possible, my beloved by developing your spiritual self-esteem. My brother Kim Michaels had written an excellent book called Spiritual Road to Self-Esteem where it teaches you, my beloved how to overcome judgement and embrace yourself with unconditional love. Only then when you can begin to heal. Once you begin the healing process, then you will be ready to look at your primary selves and say to yourself -- I no longer want to be this person in action to a certain situation. You can then, my beloved, make a different choice. For having spiritual self-esteem is to allow you to make a different choice, a choice based on unconditional love.


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