When you are at a certain level of consciousness, what you want manifested is based on the desires of your separate selves.

When you are at a certain level of consciousness, what you want manifested is based on the desires of your separate selves.  They will dictate your wants, but not necessarily your needs for spiritual growth.  Although you can also grow through your manifested desires, these are karmic in nature as your manifestations do not bring a certain amount of peace and harmony, but rather unresolved conflicts that you had incurred during past life times that you had brought into the present now.  A spiritual want is a desire to get something from outside yourselves to fill in the emptiness inside of you.  This desire manifested because you come from a sense of lack.  You feel you lack something and the only logical conclusion you can surmise is to manifest something in the physical outer senses in the hope that you can obtain what you want to fulfill the emptiness you have within.  This can be in a form of physical material manifestations in personal love relationships, being rich, being famous and being respected.  You would indulge in these physical pursuits at the moment, fulfilling your sensory desires for a moment and while you may receive some growth through the opportunity of resolving your karma with these pursuits, your experiences will be somewhat limited, because any experiences manifested through one of your separate selves will be slightly coloured by the filters in you.  So somehow you will not always be satisfied with your experiences because there is something missing.  That something is what your higher self wants to experience and yet, because of how you interpret the expectations you should be getting, your higher self is not receiving its fullest opportunity to achieve its maximum growth, it's fullest experience necessary so it has nothing left that needs experiencing and hence nothing else from the prince of this world that has anything on you to hook you back into planet earth, because you had experienced enough.  Only your inner you knows what experiences left it needs to be full filled, because it is not clouded by your filters.  If you look very closely at these karmic pursuits, it always carry a sense of ownership in these pursuits.  For example, in personal loving relationships, couples usually start out with a genuine expectation of growth for both, and yet as the relationship becomes more established however, the couples start to exercise their wants in the relationship.  You will hear that I want my wife to be stronger than she is now, or you will hear that I want my uptight husband to be fun and be loose.  These are not the only examples, but I think you will get the idea that there is sense of ownership.  In fact any material manifestations that you created with the intent of owning something in your experience that you demand the universe to deliver will always deliver you an experience with the sense of ownership on you, because the cosmic mirror always reflects back what you want.  We all get frustrated sometimes not being able to be in control of our experiences and of course this relates back to that when you first started manifesting the experience.  You want to be in control in how you want your experiences to feel, and yet in order to experience something new for the purpose of growth, you must experience something that you have not yet experienced, something new!  Otherwise , what is experience?  Experience is to gain an experience.  So how could a person who had gained experience working on the same relationship, same workplace and the same issues be able to gain any new experiences?  Einstein once said it is insanity to be doing the same thing again and again and expect different results.

So let go of your ownership to your own experience and accept the truth that new experiences can only be realized if you let go of wanting to control your experiences, and rather embracing the unknown.  Your inner you wants you to experience certain issues, certain relationships and certain aspect of life without your need to control how you should experience it.  You feel the need to control this because you fear the outcome may not be to your expectation.  You fear that you will be disappointed, and yet this controlling nature based on fear on what you want to experience will be reflected back to you by the cosmic mirror with people and issues you attract into your life who then put a mechanism of control over you.  So if your life is being controlled by the cosmic mirror, how then can your life be truly free?

Freedom is to be truly free of your separate selves, the selves that react to the conditions of this world and seek to control the outcome of any experience.  Thus, the obsessive desire to control, to own another person is the disease that prevents us from experiencing real growth.  Part of experiencing new things is to be innocent like a mind of a child.  Expect the unexpected and if the outcome is unpleasant, then let it go and find out why you feel it is a bad outcome.  Sometimes, our perception of a bad outcome is not the same as another person who experiences the same issues and yet  experience a different outcome.  And sometimes the person who experienced a bad outcome from a certain experience tends to be fearful in re-experiencing the same issues, but rather turn a blind eye and attempt to put certain control factors so the person will not need to experience the same bad outcome.  But what usually happens is that the outcome becomes much worse because now you have put in some control factors and the outcome is now controlling your life.  You will feel trapped, like there feels to be no escape.

The universe is a great teaching tool, because what it does best is to reflect back to you what you have manifested in the material world.  If you desire to own and control your experiences, your experiences will own and control you.  The higher intensity of ownership and control you desired to manifest, the more extreme the results of the experience it will become.  So it is a catch 22 situation.  You want freedom in your experience and yet you aren't willing to let go of your desires to own and control the experiences you desired to manifest.

If you have skeletons in your closet however, you will experience skeletons in your closet.  There is simply nothing you can do to control nor limit how much of those skeletons in your closet your should experience.  Your higher self wants you to experience certain things in your life and it truly wants you to experience this fully and authentically because this will help you face your true fears, your birth trauma that you experience in past lives and then you can use the spiritual tools available to help you look into the aspects of your birth trauma and transcend them.  When you transcend your birth trauma, then it become more manageable to release your other separate selves that filters your choices, so you can make better choices.  As less and less of your skeletons you have in your closet, you then have the freedom to manifest conditions that you desire to experience and not be fearful of the outcome of your manifestation because, when you have resolved your birth trauma, you will be free of the weight and burden the trauma had brought onto you.  You are not as reactive to any outcome knowing that there is nothing more to fear.  You will then develop a sense and  need to be at peace and in harmony in all life.  You will want to keep this feeling of peace and when you experience something that takes you out of peace, then you will have the desire to search for the trigger and resolve the trigger to bring you back into peace.  What else is better living a life filled with peace and harmony among the chaos of this world?

Part of the purpose of our existence is to be able to achieve peace and harmony in any
situations you face in life, while obtaining the fullest experience possible without needing to own and control the experience.  Imagine yourself in the boat flowing down the river and be free and at peace with yourself while all the chaos you experience around you as the boat flows through the rapids.  You trust god will always be there for you and yet you know God will deliver the experience you need to receive so you will have nothing left to want to experience  and then leave this planet in peace.


  1. I think I know from attunning to my my inner self, what experiences I need having, but I just don't have the guts to pursue it, I never had, and I'll never... well, you get the point.

    But it seems I'm lacking something to be able to execute it. I see only straight forward, and not to the sideways. Like you said, there is something filtering. It seems it is flitering what I am able to say in a given moment, what options I have to react. Instead of looking horizontally and acting from there, I look vertically and reacting (hope I got those two concepts right). But later on, when the situation passes, I get the exact reaction from the heart I should have said. The problem is even magnified as the filter filters even what experiences I want to have. I'm actually not attuned anymore to what I verily want to experience. It filters out what I (think, maybe I'm wrong) want to have, and my reaction in real time.

  2. I think I am onto something. My inability to communicate from the heart has to do with the four elements: fire, air, water and earth. I think my air element is overdeveloped while the other three are underdeveloped. That's why I'm having troubles finding the words in real time, because the other elements may be suppressed, they only speak themselves afterwards in silence. What do you think?

    Can you give a brief overview of the elements? What is their source (or connection) in our beings?

  3. The my lives book and the Healing Your Spiritual traumas by Kim Michaels book will give you more teachings on the topic you asked.

  4. How would you call the fire, air, water and earth elements in us? are they compatible with the identity, mental, emotional and physical designations? I wonder where my fire has gone.

  5. I'm really familiar with the fire, air, water and earth elements concept, so I can't be sure how they would relate to the ascended masters teachings in regards to the 4 lower bodies. Nevertheless, the original birth trauma resides in the identity body and that is the body that needs healing. Due to its traumatic nature, there is a step by step healing process outlined in the Healing Your Spiritual Trauma book to allow you to walk that step. There is no shortcut. You can't just make calls on a certain element in you to then expect it to poof go away and then you can realize your divine purpose. The healing process requires you to relive the event and re-experience it! Which means, you need to go through the traumatic event again, but this time, with the guidance and assistance of the masters. This process also requires that you have achieved some level of balance in the inner you as well. Otherwise, you can easily go out of balance.

    1. I sense that part of my primal self has to do with the perversion of power. I am afraid of acting. I am afraid of speaking out. I fear that if I speak out the situation will escalate and I will be hammered down. Besides that, I have no strength to act, to go out and do as I please. I feel handicaped. What do I do, dear?

    2. Danny, you need to first connect with your inner self, then tune in to whichever master you resonated with by making calls for the master to come and help you. They won't come if you don't ask them. In this case, the divine mother, "Mother Mary" would be a good choice, but any master that resonates with you would suffice as well. You do not need to do this exercise in the physical world yet. You can do the exercise of speaking out visually in a meditative state, when you are in a neutral state of mind. The key is that to have a master to be by your side to hold a balance for you, to assist you and to guide you. You will have great difficulty navigating through this exercise if you do this alone as you had already pointed out that fear of speaking out will dissuade you for manifesting your first ray. Which is why, you also need to master all seven rays before you can effectively express your Christhood. When you sincerely ask the masters for help and willing to "Will To Be"; that is Will To Be more than you are now then you get help. If you only willing to be stagnant, which is the same as will to be less, then you will get no assistance from the masters and you will have a difficult time resolving the ordeal.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I sense no joy in you. My OWN Christ discernment tells me you are an imposter.

  9. Look everyone, it is the false teacher who has ruined my life, coming back to "life" again to continue to wrack havoc.

  10. And even if you *not* an imposter, you should ask yourself why do I (and I am not the first one) think you are. Too rigid. No love. No charity. Sorry for passing this criticizm on you, you just wrote somewhere that we should not put down the other ten percent, but it had to be said. Look at this as constructive criticism. I have enough of my ego telling me to be more, and enough apprehension from the future that you should try to give life to it (not that what you say moves my nerves) that I do not hear it from you. That's why I am saying you have no charity. Bless you.

  11. I just hear no hint of compasion from you.

  12. How can I flow in the river of life if i decided, if I vowed, i never want to feel love again? My base chakra is not with me. Please help!

  13. The feeling of you never wanting to feel love again comes from one or a number of your separate selves. It is not the feeling from your real self (Conscious You) which is the extension of your I AM. Part of the reason is that, you want to be awakened to reconnect with your I AM, but the separate selves in you do not want this unconditional love from god because it felt abandoned by god when "YOU" received your original Birth Trauma. To flow with the river of life, you have to resolve your birth trauma first and then, you will be able to resolve all your other separate selves that are preventing you in fulfilling your decision to follow your divine plan.

  14. I entered a comment. Was it deleted?

  15. In regard to what I posted and was deleted, I want to hear what *you* have to say about it, not someone elses view.

  16. Let's see you become more when every time you try to do something according to your divine plan there is a very strong demon inside your body and soul who whispers fear and apprehension.


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