Achieving FREEDOM: My personal insights on healing as part of the Christhood path.

The masters have now released teachings about the birth trauma, the primal self and the separate selves. so I highly recommend that you read the "My Lives" book by Kim Michaels if you hadn't already done so that and then seek within your heart to tune in to which books you need to further study in order to release those separate selves you have within.

But let me summarize the basic outline of the My Lives and Healing the Birth Trauma books based on my own insights and experiences thus far in own healing journey.  I was healed from my Birth Trauma before the teachings and the book were first released and published. 

The Conscious You (real-self) is an extension of your I AM Presence.  This Conscious You, when one with the I AM, will receive all the unconditional love from the I AM.  It will never feel this sense of lack of anything, because it receives everything from the I AM, including directions (based on vibrational energy flow) in how to navigate this world in a form of bread crumbs (little pieces of insights of where and when to fulfill your next assignment to service life) in order to fulfill the divine plan that was authored before the lifestream embodied on this planet Earth.

The Ideal self:  Before the lifestream embodies on this unnatural planet we call Earth, we have a sense of what we want to accomplish on this planet and that sense (purpose) forms your "Ideal Self".  But this Ideal Self is formed by a certain set of beliefs that this lifestream (avatars) had from other natural planets and that the lifestream believe that the same rules apply on Earth.  Basically this lifestream believes this because he or she only has the experience from a natural planet or a number natural planets, but lacked the experience of an unnatural planet which is Earth.

The Birth Trauma:  The first time the lifestream embodies on this planet, it carries with him or her the "Ideal Self" that it formed in the spiritual realm.  Then when this lifestream first met the fallen beings or dark forces, the lifestream was placed in a condition where the fallen beings shocked the lifestream into a situation where the lifestream could not cope with the trauma of that experience or experiences.  Before embodying on Earth, the lifestream had never experienced physical negative actions; feelings of not being loved, feelings of negativism, feelings of being physically violated and so on and so forth.  From this point on, the lifestream experienced so much shock that it formed what is called the "Birth Trauma".  This Birth Trauma basically shattered the "Ideal Self" that it formed in the spiritual realm.  Now, the Birth Trauma does not happen all of a sudden in one lifetime.  Birth trauma is reinforced over many reincarnations.  The cycle of rebirth; the sea of Samsara.  This Birth trauma leads to the forming of the Primal Self.

The Primal Self:  Because of the Birth Trauma, you lost your ideal self; the identity you had formed before you first came to Earth.  Since after the Birth Trauma, you have lost the connection of your I A M presence and then of course, to survive on this planet you have to create a new self.  This new self is called the "Primal Self" in response to living in this primal planet we call Earth where torture, killings and conditional love are natural to the inhabitants.  This "Primal Self" is created to cope with the low density of this planet Earth.  You can not function without an outer self. while embodying on this planet  So this was the best thing that any lifestream could create given the circumstances.  Everyone who embodied here present and past have had this Primal Self and Birth Trauma including Jesus, Buddha, Master More and the rest of the masters.

The separate selves: The separate selves are extensions of your Primal Self.  These are objects that a lifestream create to deal with difficult conditions and relationships with the fallen beings to give the sense of peace and harmony for your Primal Self to function on Earth.  The difference between the Real Self and your Primal Self is that, the Real Self does not need any separate selves to achieve peace and harmony to exist on this planet.  This Real Self realizes it is the extension of the I AM and therefore can flow with the river of life.  The Primal Self and the separate selves are NOT extensions of your I AM presence.  They were only created when the lifestream embodies on Earth, so they are Earth creations.  Therefore, the Primal Self and the extensions (the separate selves) can not flow with the river of life.  They will resist the Conscious You to be awakened by telling you that you need them.  If you try to abandon the separate selves and your primal self, then you will feel unloved, invalidated and unappreciated.  Those are the purposes of your separate selves.

The healing process.  So it is clear that you need to resolve your separate selves (Buddha calls these attachments), but how?  By first resolving and healing your Birth Trauma.  You can not begin to deal with your Primal Self and your separate selves without facing your Birth Trauma and reliving the first experience that caused you to have this birth trauma again in this life to heal from it.  Only then, you will have the ability, as a self-observer, to see the separate selves and your primal self and then to systematically remove them one by one until you had removed enough that you are now able to tune in back again with your Conscious You.  Once you do that, then you are in tune with the river of life and one with your I AM.  You will feel love from your I AM again and that love becomes stronger and stronger as you close the gap between the Conscious You and your I AM and the masters until you have ZERO GAP.  This process of healing can only be achieved if you have the determination to make connection with one of the masters and ask for help, do the invocations and decrees from the birth trauma healing book with the presence of the master of your own choosing and then slowly but surely remove the birth trauma, your birth trauma.  NO physical ascended master student or physical guru in this life can remove your birth trauma.  The false teachers will tell you that they can, but this is a lie.  Only you, and you only can heal from the birth trauma because it was created by you, so it has to be un-created by you.

Now, if you have read my last post on "Awakening", you will see that I resolved my birth trauma in 2011 where I stood up and faced the fallen being (my boss and the same being that hurt me in my first life here on Earth) and like a little boy who called on the emperor where he wasn't wearing any clothes and eventually got shot down, threatened with loss of employment and stature.  And that, I then experienced that no harm came to me after that experience because the times today were different than it was when I first embodied on this planet.  It was when I realized that my fears and anxiety were unfounded.  Once I healed from my Birth Trauma, it made exposing and healing from my Primal Self and the separate selves much easier.  The book 'Healing Spiritual Traumas" allowed me to further resolved those remaining separate selves I couldn't resolve on my own.

There is no one ultimate way of healing from your Birth Trauma.  In my situation, I had to face the same experience in actually re-living that in real life, which was a nerve wrecking and heart pounding experience.  But we are all different.  Most likely, you will need the help and assistance from the masters to help you act as a balance or anchor as you go through the visualization of your first Birth Trauma with a master by your side, while you resolve and heal from that.  We all have to face our Birth Trauma and heal from that in order to tackle your Primal self and your separate selves.   


  1. Bravo! Well said, my friend. I wish to reply that I read or listened to all avatar reveletions books, but that some decision is still preventing me from doing that leap (not step) forward. I don't know if there some deep decision or some deep will - deep resolve we might call it - to not flow forward in a series of life decisions, which is exactly what I need in order to transcendit may be demon or ego or soul (?) But anyways i will be glad if you shed some light on this. The other remark i want to make is that the prayers don't go easy at all. I'm having troubles finding attunement with the masters to write the prayer intentions. Not any and all dedication can get the prayer going.

    Best regards

  2. Also, regarding your last paragraph, it is clear to me that not everyone needs to reexperience the birth trauma, and kim also states it. Blessings


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