Don't be a spiritual doormat.

Working now as a health care assistant/nursing assistant after abandoning the lucrative tech world which had allowed me to earn a high income, live in luxury and have a comfortable lifestyle.  I now have the opportunity to meet people who are in need of help for which I would not have the opportunity to if I stayed in the tech world. 

While 50% of our personal life is used to resolve any karma you have in this and in many past lifetimes, the other 50% of our personal life is used to provide both vertical and horizontal service, which is depicted on the Cross.  The horizontal bar of the cross represents service to life; helping the needy and serving your fellow brothers and sisters on this planet or known as the "Omega" aspect.  The vertical bar of the cross represents the "Alpha" aspect, helping your fellow brothers and sisters raise their consciousness beyond their current level.  Sometimes, this will entail challenging their current level of consciousness, their belief system by showing them that there is a better way to approach the same situation.  In Jesus times, 2000 years ago, he was demonstrating that all of us can do the same as he did, provide both horizontal and vertical service to allow mankind to step into a direction of growth.

There is a saying that "If you are at a stand still, you are moving backwards".  This is somewhat true, because have you noticed that our world is changing and it is not waiting for you.  If you don't keep up with the advanced of the world, you'll be left behind.
What you know today may become obsolete by tomorrow.  Which is why in the world of health care, there is constant upgrading of knowledge and constant improvements.  In fact, by upgrading your skills in the health care field, you become a more productive team member and you will also earn a higher income.  So in order to attain more income (more material abundance), you need to continue to move up higher, accelerate yourself to more knowledge and more experiences.  So this culture of health care suits me very well.

Unfortunately what I noticed in this world and also in myself in past lifetimes is that, most people including myself become complacent.  We choose to provide great service to people who are in need, to address their poverty, their medical needs but we do not help them get out of the consciousness that caused them or trapped them in that state.  We think that by providing the infrastructure to address poverty, drug addiction, sexual health and so forth, we think that those services will provide what is necessary to combat the drug addiction crisis we are having today and the poverty situation in North America and all over the world.

Part of this unwillingness to provide the Alpha aspect of service is "FEAR" and "DOUBT" that you don't have control of the situation and you fear the results of the experience.  The universe always keeps moving, but it never moves in a predictable way, because the universe will always reflect back to you the mirror of what you fear the most .  What happens in the Piscean age is that, men had always have a dominant role and women were subservient to men.  The knowledge of reading and writing we have taken for granted today as a powerful tool to understand, express and become independent was a fearful knowledge only kept by the top elite, which was usually controlled by men.  The thinking was, by giving knowledge to those who can't write or read, especially the women at those times, they will break out of their subservient role and exercise their own spiritual independence, their freedom to express their own divine purpose.  This is the sense of control exercised by the power elite, who will then dictate the progress of this planet Earth as they see fit.  This control still exists today in a form of charity work, foundation work and even relief agencies.

People who are doormats to other people always like to control their experiences, their reputation and their stature to maintain a certain level of acceptance in the eyes of other people.  But resentment will always follow people who are doormats, because there will always be not enough resources to go around to serve the people who are in need and will always ask people who provide these resources for more.

In one of my experiences while working as a nursing assistant for 1 client,  the client is sensitive to criticism and carries with him a victimized consciousness.  The pain he is suffering from, in a spiritual sense, is a projection of his distorted consciousness and my Christ Discernment outlined what his distorted consciousness need addressing before he can begin the healing process.  In the current medical treatment today, we address physical symptoms with physical means mainly using drugs.  But drugs have side-effects which usually amplify the underlying symptoms and conflict in the patient.  So I recognized his needs to change.  His sense of perfection, trying to change people to be like him and criticizing people and manipulating people to extract a favourable response are all coming from fear and doubt of not trusting the process of the river of life.
So the ensuing months followed during my care, I let him see how I would approach the situations through more effective alternative means.  I let him see this so he could learn from my examples, because I had similar pains as he did but I overcame that by resolving my past distorted psychologies.  But because our medical community embraces chemical theraphy, my demonstration has very limited success.  He is completely convinced drugs and surgery will help resolve his illness.  I guess I could have accepted the status quo and go along with it.  After all, the pay was great and it was easy work.  Just provide medication and the sense of hope that physical treatment will cure his illness.  But knowing the truth, I felt a sense of resentment because he is asking me to do more care and expect even more care even though I know that is not going to help him. 
There was a battle of telling him the truth, but face the possibility of not having him as my client and the source of stable income I can get from him.  It was easy work as long as I stick with the medical status quo.  I couldn't sleep at nights.  And I too was suffering from some pain on the left side of my body from the neck to elbow to left knee and down to the left foot.

So I made the choice because I am not feeling healthy myself.  It's not worth earning that income while I suffer from pain.  I know the truth and what needs to be done, so  I confronted him with his family present and outlined the things I saw in him.  Of course after all of that is done, he fired me on the spot.  I left and then later on, I received a phone call from his wife apologizing to me profusely and asking me to return, acknowledging that I was correct in doing that.  But of course if I return, I would only validate his distorted beliefs and would continue to be blind to his actions and his illness will not heal as well.  So I was doing this out of love, out of my compassion for him to get better and become more than he is now.  Yes, I did loose a nice contract work with him, a steady flow of good income, but I felt a sense of relief and also assurances from my I AM Presence that great opportunities will come after this with better financial reward.

Well guess what, next week I'll start with an even better contract!

And yes, after I left this toxic care relationship, all my left side of the body started to heal quickly and the pain that were there were gone.  I would not have acquired the pain if I wasn't attached to the money that it brings to me if I would have cut off the relationship sooner.  Such is life.

So don't become a spiritual doormat.  Exercise your Alpha aspect and help others to become more.  You may loose the comfort of today, but better rewards will come later. 

To close my story, I will provide you with the following quotes..

Luke 12:32

32 “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Many Blessings!



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