Letting go of all your attachments

Early on in my non-spiritual path,  I was just like any other human beings on this planet.  And that is, I have many attachments, be it to an idea, addiction and needs and in the many past lifetimes, my attachments caused me to go into directions that were not helpful towards my ascension or to help towards bringing my gifts and share my gifts to all the people on this planet so they could become more than they are.  My attachments caused me to raise myself above all others and see myself as a separate self.  This was especially true during my past lifetimes where I was in royalty positions, positions of power where I have power and control to do anything and everything I desire.  In fact, I could be spiritual and I could even acknowledge others as my brothers and sisters, but when things changed to threaten my self-serving identity, my self-serving needs then I will change from being one with the all, to just being separate from the rest and manipulate/change others to be like me by using manipulative means.  This is why I noticed that providing a higher service means that any attachment I have left is a ball and chain to having me realize that higher service, therefore preventing me in providing that 100% high calibre level of service to help raise this planet and its people to usher in the age of Saint Germain's golden age.

Any attachment to this material world is a form of a wound to our spiritual self that we had inflicted in either this lifetime or in many past lifetimes.  This was caused because we had decided to become separate to our I AM Presence (high self) and rather than seek healing from the divine, we begin to seek physical healing from others and from this material world.  In time, this forms our basis of how our lives are conducted and how our spiritual growth can become perverted and lead us to a blind alley which then allow us to keep repeating past momentums from lifetime to lifetime, without even realizing that it is our attachments that cause us to go in these directions.

So in order to change our direction and embrace the divine, rather than repeating our past momentums and even if we study faithfully the teachings of the ascended masters, you must look honestly on your attachments and accept that you have certain attachments to things.  Without looking honestly and accepting honestly your attachments, they will continue to become a crutch towards your spiritual growth.  You can not turn a new page and you can not exercise your co-creative effort because your attachments can define how you approach your co-creative efforts and service to mankind.  You must be willing to work on how to become detached from all the attachments and addictions that this planet has to offer.  Because in the eyes of Mara, anything that can hook you from the inside because of your unresolved attachments will pull you back into this material world and cause you to provide service to life based on the needs of this material world.

As I had spoken about engaging service to mankind on my last post,  there is a low level of service and there is a high level of service.  A low level of service is a service to mankind whereby you would serve your brothers and sisters in a good enough capacity, but there is always a certain element whereby you do not desire to raise the level of consciousness of your brothers and sisters.  You are more than happy to prescribe service by fulfilling their material needs and wants and then you will happy that you have done so much in this area that you guarantee your own personal salvation.  Or you are a spiritual guru or a spiritual instructor and you are providing the outer teachings to your followers, who are your brothers and sisters and thinking that the outer teachings can provide a sense of salvation that these ultimate teachings will get you closer to god.  But I must tell you, my brothers and sisters that these services are provided because you are attached to a certain dogma or a certain agenda that you believe it's true.  Even if one of the followers can see through the lies and deceit of these people, these people will always concoct various reasons and excuses to explain away their own fixed agenda and fixed dogma and then will question your own loyalty towards the organization and its leadership.
A person providing a high level of service knows that by raising the level of consciousness of others is the only way to bring about change on this planet.  But some spiritual people and myself included confused this as a license to change people by either actively or passively alter the level of consciousness of others through intellectual means or oppressive means through low vibration energy intimidation.  And if you have Christ Discernment, you can feel the low vibration energies emanating from these people as well as the institutions they represent.  Sometimes, they can mask these energies temporarily to trap the top 10% of the spiritual people, but as always when they are unmasked, they will always use intimidation techniques to keep you from leaving.  If you have the same attachments as these people, these intimidation techniques will work to keep some of the top 10% of the spiritual people from being truly awakened and exercising their divine right to raise others and thus help raise thyself to become more.  If you no longer have these attachments in you, then these intimidation techniques will have no effect on you because there is nothing inside of you that serve as hooks to pull you down and you will no longer seek to belong yourself to these individuals and organizations.

Helping to raise others to a higher level is an experiential experience, whereby you demonstrate to others how trusting the flow of the river of life, trusting that there is no limit what we can do through ourselves by embracing the light can bring a more profound change than embracing the known, the physical material world and what it brings.  This usually entails that one has suffered some sort of trauma in some distant past life and that trauma caused fear for the lifestream to embrace the river of life.  Then this lifestream wants to have a sense of control of how a version of its life and its responses should turn out.  And then it develops a sense of understanding that control its own life on its own terms even defying the laws of god is a better creative way than embracing the unknown, allowing growth to be defined by the potential of the gifts of what the lifestream can bring and provide on this planet rather than the limitation of service the lifestream currently provides caused by "FEAR" of loss of control.  And this fear exacerbates the control towards all conditions and to all lifestreams and this leads to either making a choice out of fear by controlling the outcome or not making a choice out of fear also by controlling the outcome.  Fear of providing accelerated divine service because you have no sense of control of what the outcome might be, nor should you need to expect one.  This attachment of fear is what bounds me and kept me from realizing my highest potential on this planet from many lifetimes.

I realized that many lifetimes ago, I came as part of the rescue mission to help and balance Earth so that it could one day ascend and I came with the intent to help others.  Through many traumatic events later, I no longer trust the divine process.  I no longer trust the outcome that God, my father, was not going to be the right outcome.  Suddenly I started to judge others, God, that perhaps his way is not the right way or the right approach in saving people and helping them raise their consciousness is to introduce my own personal brand of change.  So I begin to experiment with various way to change people and I became really good at it.  I could do it in many subtle ways, but truly is always a way to change how people do things.  But I always have some fixed dogma, some fixed agenda of why I need to change them.  In sales, I have ways to get results even if I may cause harm to other people's finances.  In sex, I have ways to get women in bed and even have unprotected sex.  Making them believe they need me.  There are always excuses for me because I'm doing this creatively to help them see the light that these things can help them see the light.  The ego at its own best.  In time, they became my addictions, my money addiction because if I helped raise sales, I get a big bonus.  If I create better ways to get women to sex with me, then I get to enjoy much more fun.  In fact, I even begin to feel that's how love should feel.  But don't you see that a single idea to change others can lead to many other attachments that operate with similar agendas.  By the time you develop many of these attachments and addictions and relying on physical means to sustain your existence, you may have long forgotten what was the original idea that perpetuates this downfall.  Until of course I started to walk the spiritual path and ask the masters for help, which then allowed me to realize through living experiences that when others try to control me, I felt resentment, anger and dishonesty to the self.

It took me bravery to break through this attachment of trying to control how the universe of god should function by expressing my honesty, by standing up against the people who try to control me and my responses.  This has a way to conquer your fear of being controlled.  If you conquered your fear of being controlled, then you no longer need to control events that is beyond your control and thus I can really begin the process of being more.  Become more means embracing the new and the unknown and accepting the outcome as it comes as non-duality.  It is always a learning experience, a growing experience.  You must announce to the universe that you no longer seek to control the universe to control your outcome.  When I conquered the fear by standing up to strong minded people who seek to control me without fearing the outcome, be it being fired, lost of employment or even blacklisted from the industry,  I was honoring my true feelings, my experiences and my being honest to myself that I do not need to control the river of life any longer.

A spiritual path is almost always uncomfortable, because growth is uncomfortable.  But the rewards after you've mastered the discomfort will bring your realization that you can do more.  No longer you are limited by your own controlled perception of what service to life is all about by your attachments to certain things.  You will start to realize that potential service to all life beings on this planet can actually make a difference for this planet.  You can not realize this until you have worked through all your attachments. 

Many blessings,




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