Realizing my Christhood.

My life became as any other normal human being, educated and trained to be obedient to the law and do exactly what society wants us to do.  Be a good boy or girl, work hard and then perhaps God will let you into his kingdom when you die.  But I never believed that.  Then one day, I contracted a serious illness and was almost dying when a Christian told me to pray for Jesus.  I never knew how to pray let alone being religious.  I even HATE JESUS for I loved having sex and being a control freak and I always view Jesus as an enemy of me because of what I did.  But when I was almost all out of options, I succumbed to my pride and prayed for his salvation.  And then, Jesus came to me and filled me with immense LOVE.  Divine love that I needed.  The intense warmth and the glow of light surrounded me.  I felt so shameful and so regretful for what I had done in this life and many past lifetimes.  But Jesus forgave me for what I've done.  From then on, I was encouraged to study the 2 year Personal Christhood program and completed it.  The program was a revelation.  It showed me how I truly AM and what I could do and become.  Becoming MORE than I AM!  And so today, I am inspired by St Germain, Jesus and Gautama Buddha in writing this blog to share with all of you my journey so all of you know that you can do the same as I could do.  Anyone can do this.
Read my journey and see if some of my ideas will help you.

Many blessings,



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